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Message-ID: <>
Date: Tue, 14 May 2019 22:45:13 +0200
From: Solar Designer <>
Subject: John the Ripper 1.9.0-jumbo-1


We've just released John the Ripper 1.9.0-jumbo-1, available from the
usual place:

Only the source code tarball (and indeed repository link) is published
right now.  I expect to add some binary builds later (perhaps Win64).

It's been 4.5 years and 6000+ jumbo tree commits (not counting JtR core
tree commits, nor merge commits) since we released 1.8.0-jumbo-1:

During this time, we recommended most users to use bleeding-jumbo, our
development tree, which worked reasonably well - yet we also see value
in making occasional releases.  So here goes.

Top contributors who made 10+ commits each since 1.8.0-jumbo-1:

magnum (2623)
JimF (1545)
Dhiru Kholia (532)
Claudio Andre (318)
Sayantan Datta (266)
Frank Dittrich (248)
Zhang Lei (108)
Kai Zhao (84)
Solar (75)
Apingis (58)
Fist0urs (30)
Elena Ago (15)
Aleksey Cherepanov (10)

About 70 others have also directly contributed (with 1 to 6 commits
each), see doc/CREDITS-jumbo and doc/CHANGES-jumbo (auto-generated from
git).  Many others have contributed indirectly (not through git).

Indeed, the number of commits doesn't accurately reflect the value of
contributions, but the overall picture is clear.  In fact, we have the
exact same top 6 contributors (by commit count) that we did for the
1.7.9-jumbo-8 to 1.8.0-jumbo-1 period years ago.  That's some stability
in our developer community.  And we also have many new and occasional
contributors.  That's quite some community life around the project.

Unlike for 1.8.0-jumbo-1, which we just released as-is without a
detailed list of changes (unfortunately!), this time we went for the
trouble to compile a fairly detailed list - albeit not going for
per-format change detail, with few exceptions, as that would have taken
forever to write (and for you to read!)  This took us (mostly magnum and
me, with substantial help from Claudio) a few days to compile, so we
hope some of you find this useful.

Included below is 1.9.0-jumbo-1/doc/NEWS, verbatim:

Major changes from 1.8.0-jumbo-1 (December 2014) to 1.9.0-jumbo-1 (May 2019):

- Updated to 1.9.0 core, which brought the following relevant major changes:

  - Optimizations for faster handling of large password hash files (such as
    with tens or hundreds million hashes), including loading, cracking, and
    "--show".  These include avoidance of unnecessary parsing (some of which
    creeped into the loader in prior jumbo versions), use of larger hash
    tables, optional use of SSE prefetch instructions on groups of many hash
    table lookups instead of doing the lookups one by one, and data layout
    changes to improve locality of reference.  [Solar; 2015-2017]

  - Benchmark using all-different candidate passwords of length 7 by default
    (except for a few formats where the length is different - e.g., WPA's is 8
    as that's the shortest valid), which resembles actual cracking and hashcat
    benchmarks closer.  [Solar, magnum; 2019]

  - Bitslice DES implementation supporting more SIMD instruction sets than
    before (in addition to our prior support of MMX through AVX and XOP on
    x86(-64), NEON on 32-bit ARM, and AltiVec on POWER):
    - On x86(-64): AVX2, AVX-512 (including for second generation Xeon Phi),
      and MIC (for first generation Xeon Phi).
    - On Aarch64: Advanced SIMD (ASIMD).
    [Solar, magnum; 2015-2019]

  - Bitslice DES S-box expressions using AVX-512's "ternary logic" (actually,
    3-input LUT) instructions (the _mm512_ternarylogic_epi32() intrinsic).
    [DeepLearningJohnDoe, Roman Rusakov, Solar; 2015, 2019]

    (In jumbo, we now also use those expressions in OpenCL on NVIDIA Maxwell
    and above - in fact, that was their initial target, for which they were
    implemented in both JtR jumbo and hashcat earlier than the reuse of these
    expressions on AVX-512.)

  See also:

  - 1.9.0 core release

- Added FPGA support for 7 hash types for ZTEX 1.15y boards ("./configure
  --enable-ztex", requires libusb).  Specifically, we support: bcrypt,
  descrypt (including its bigcrypt extension), sha512crypt & Drupal7,
  sha256crypt, md5crypt (including its Apache apr1 and AIX smd5 variations) &
  phpass.  As far as we're aware, several of these are implemented on FPGA
  for the very first time.  For bcrypt, our ~119k c/s at cost 5 in ~27W greatly
  outperforms latest high-end GPUs per board, per dollar, and per Watt.  For
  descrypt (where we have ~970M c/s in ~34W) and to a lesser extent for
  sha512crypt & Drupal7 and for sha256crypt, our FPGA results are comparable to
  current GPUs'.  For md5crypt & phpass our FPGA results are much worse than
  current GPUs'; we provide support for those hashes to allow for more (re)uses
  of those boards.  We also support multi-board clusters (tested by Royce
  Williams for up to 16 boards, thus 64 FPGAs, all sharing a USB 2.0 port on a
  Raspberry Pi 2 host).  For all 7 hash types, we have on-device candidate
  password generation for mask mode (and hybrid modes applying a mask on top of
  host-provided candidates from another cracking mode) and on-device hash
  comparison (of computed hashes against those loaded for cracking).  We
  provide pre-built bitstreams (5 of them, two of which support two hash types
  each due to our use of multi-threaded soft CPU cores interfacing to
  cryptographic cores) and full source project trees.  [Hardware design and
  host code by Denis Burykin, project coordination by Solar Designer, testing
  also by Royce Williams, Aleksey Cherepanov, and teraflopgroup.  2016-2019.

  See also:

  - doc/README-ZTEX, src/ztex/fpga-*/
  - [List.ZTEX:Devices] and [ZTEX:*] john.conf sections
  - bcrypt
  - descrypt
  - sha512crypt, Drupal7
  - sha256crypt
  - md5crypt, phpass
  - Royce Williams' cluster
  - board specifications

  These are old (introduced in 2011-2012), mostly ex-Bitcoin-miner boards with
  four Spartan-6 LX150 FPGAs per board.  ZTEX sold these boards for 999 EUR
  (plus EU VAT if applicable) in 2012 with the price gradually decreasing to
  349 EUR (plus VAT) in 2015, after which point the boards were discontinued.
  Used boards were commonly resold on eBay, etc. (often in significant
  quantities) in 2014 to 2016 for anywhere from $50 to 250 EUR, but are now
  unfortunately hard to find.  We support both German original and compatible
  US clones of the boards.

- Dropped CUDA support because of lack of interest.  We're focusing on OpenCL,
  which is more portable and also runs great on NVIDIA cards (in fact, much
  better than CUDA did for us before, due to our runtime auto-tuning and
  greater focus on getting OpenCL right).

- We now have 88 OpenCL formats, up from 47 in 1.8.0-jumbo-1.  (The formats may
  be listed with "--list=formats --format=opencl".)

  - Added 47 OpenCL formats: androidbackup-opencl, ansible-opencl,
    axcrypt-opencl, axcrypt2-opencl, bitlocker-opencl, bitwarden-opencl,
    cloudkeychain-opencl, dashlane-opencl, diskcryptor-aes-opencl,
    diskcryptor-opencl, electrum-modern-opencl, enpass-opencl, ethereum-opencl,
    ethereum-presale-opencl, fvde-opencl, geli-opencl, iwork-opencl,
    keepass-opencl, keystore-opencl, krb5asrep-aes-opencl, lm-opencl,
    lp-opencl, lpcli-opencl, mscash-opencl, notes-opencl, office-opencl,
    openbsd-softraid-opencl, pbkdf2-hmac-md4-opencl, pbkdf2-hmac-md5-opencl,
    pem-opencl, pfx-opencl, pgpdisk-opencl, pgpsda-opencl, pgpwde-opencl,
    raw-sha512-free-opencl, salted-sha1-opencl, sappse-opencl, sl3-opencl,
    solarwinds-opencl, ssh-opencl, sspr-opencl, telegram-opencl, tezos-opencl,
    truecrypt-opencl, vmx-opencl, wpapsk-pmk-opencl, xsha512-free-opencl.

  - Dropped 6 OpenCL formats (functionality merged into other OpenCL formats):
    odf-aes-opencl, office2007-opencl, office2010-opencl, office2013-opencl,
    ssha-opencl, sxc-opencl.

  [Dhiru Kholia, magnum, Sayantan Datta, Elena Ago, terrybwest, Ivan Freed;

- We now have 407 CPU formats, up from 381 in 1.8.0-jumbo-1 (including
  pre-defined dynamic formats), or 262 non-dynamic CPU formats, up from 194 in
  1.8.0-jumbo-1, despite having dropped many obsolete ones.  (The formats may
  be listed with "--list=formats --format=cpu".)

  - Added 80 CPU formats (not including pre-defined dynamic formats): adxcrypt,
    andotp, androidbackup, ansible, argon2, as400-des, as400-ssha1, axcrypt,
    azuread, bestcrypt, bitlocker, bitshares, bitwarden, bks, dashlane,
    diskcryptor, dominosec8, dpapimk, electrum, enpass, ethereum, fortigate256,
    fvde, geli, has-160, itunes-backup, iwork, krb5-17, krb5-3, krb5asrep,
    krb5tgs, leet, lp, lpcli, md5crypt-long, monero, money, multibit, net-ah,
    notes, nsec3, o10glogon, o3logon, oracle12c, ospf, padlock, palshop,
    pbkdf2-hmac-md4, pbkdf2-hmac-md5, pem, pgpdisk, pgpsda, pgpwde, phps2,
    plaintext, qnx, racf-kdfaes, radius, raw-sha1-axcrypt, raw-sha3, saph,
    sappse, scram, securezip, signal, sl3, snmp, solarwinds, sspr, stribog-256,
    stribog-512, tacacs-plus, tc_ripemd160boot, telegram, tezos, vdi, vmx,
    wpapsk-pmk, xmpp-scram, zipmonster.

  - Dropped 12 CPU formats (not including pre-defined dynamic formats):
    aix-smd5, efs, md4-gen, nsldap, nt2, raw-sha, raw-sha1-ng, raw-sha256-ng,
    raw-sha512-ng, sha1-gen, ssh-ng, sxc.  Their functionality is available in
    other formats - e.g., AIX smd5 hashes are now supported by our main
    md5crypt* formats.

  [Dhiru Kholia, JimF, magnum, Fist0urs, Rob Schoemaker, MrTchuss,
  Michael Kramer, Ralf Sager, bigendiansmalls, Agnieszka Bielec, Ivan Freed,
  Elena Ago, Claudio Andre, Solar; 2015-2019]

- Several old formats got support for additional underlying hash, KDF, and/or
  cipher types under their previous format names, making them more general -
  e.g., the OpenBSD-SoftRAID format now supports bcrypt-pbkdf.  [Dhiru, others]

- Several file archive formats got better support for file format variations,
  large file support, and/or more complete verification (no longer producing
  false positives, and thus no longer needing to continue running after a first
  seemingly successful guess).  [magnum, philsmd, JimF, others?]

- Added many new pre-defined dynamic format recipes.  See run/dynamic.conf.
  [Dhiru, JimF, Remi Dubois, Ivan Novikov; 2015-2018]

- Added dynamic compiler mode that can handle simple custom algorithms on CPU
  (including with automatic use of SIMD) - e.g. "sha1(md5($p).$s)" - without
  any programming - just state that very string on the command line as
  "--format=dynamic='sha1(md5($p).$s)'".  This is somewhat of a hack, but it
  has clever self-testing so if it seems to work chances are it really does.
  Available features include tens of fast hash functions (from common like MD5
  to exotic ones like Whirlpool), string concatenation, encoding/decoding,
  conversion to lowercase or uppercase, and references to the password, salt,
  username, and string constants.  See doc/DYNAMIC_EXPRESSIONS.  [JimF; 2015]

- Many formats now make better use of shared code, often with optimizations
  and/or SIMD support that was previously lacking.  [magnum, JimF; 2015-2019]

- Shared code for reversing steps in MD4/MD5/SHA-1/SHA-2, boosting several fast
  hash formats.  [magnum; 2015]

- We added a terrific "pseudo-intrinsics" abstraction layer, which lets us use
  the one same SIMD source code for many architectures and widths.  [Zhang Lei,
  magnum, JimF; GSoC 2015, 2015-2019]

- Where relevant, all SIMD formats now support AVX2, AVX-512 (taking advantage
  of AVX-512BW if present), and MIC, as well as NEON, ASIMD, and AltiVec -
  almost all of them using said pseudo-intrinsics (except for bitslice DES
  code, which comes from JtR core and uses its own pseudo-intrinsics for now).
  [magnum, Zhang Lei, JimF, Solar; GSoC 2015, 2015-2019]

- When AES-NI is available, we now use it more or less globally, sometimes with
  quite significant boost.  [magnum; 2015]

- Runtime CPUID tests for SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX2, AVX512F, and AVX512BW
  (AVX and XOP were already present from 1.8 core), making it possible for
  distros to build a full-featured fallback chain for "any" x86 CPU (including
  along with fallback from OpenMP-enabled to non-OpenMP builds when only one
  thread would be run).  See doc/README-DISTROS.  [magnum; 2015, 2017, 2018]

- Countless performance improvements (in terms of faster code, better early
  rejection, and/or things moved from host to device-side), sometimes to single
  formats, sometimes to all formats using a certain hash type, sometimes
  globally.  [magnum, Claudio, Solar, others; 2015-2019]

- Better tuning (by our team) of candidate password buffering for hundreds of
  CPU formats, as well as optional auto-tuning (on user's system, with
  "--tune=auto" and maybe also with "--verbosity=5" to see what it does) for
  all CPU formats, both with and without OpenMP.  [magnum; 2018-2019]

- Many OpenCL formats optimized and/or re-tuned to be friendly to newer NVIDIA
  and AMD GPUs, and to newer driver and OpenCL backend versions.  Some OpenCL
  formats gained generally beneficial optimizations (for older hardware too),
  and notably our md5crypt-opencl is now about twice faster on older AMD GPUs
  as well.  [Claudio, Solar, magnum; 2019]

- Many improvements to OpenCL auto-tuning (which is enabled by default), where
  we try to arrive at an optimal combination of global and local work sizes,
  including addition of a backwards pass to retry lower global work sizes in
  case the device was not yet fully warmed up to its high-performance clock
  rate when the auto-tuning started (important for NVIDIA GTX 10xx series and
  above).  [Claudio, magnum, Solar; 2015, 2019]

- When auto-tuning an OpenCL format for a real run (not "--test"), tune for the
  actually loaded hashes (as opposed to test vectors) and in some cases for an
  actual candidate password length (inferred from the requested cracking mode
  and its settings).  [magnum; 2017, 2019]

- Nearly all OpenCL formats now do all post-processing on GPU, so don't need
  more than one CPU core.  Post-processing on CPU is kept where it presumably
  wouldn't run well on a GPU (e.g. RAR or ZIP decompression), but for them we
  often have excellent early-reject - often even on device-side.  [magnum,
  Dhiru; 2018-2019]

- Graceful handling of GPU overheating - rather than terminate the process,
  JtR will now optionally (and by default) sleep until the temperature is below
  the limit, thereby adjusting the duty cycle to keep the temperature around
  the limit.  (Applies to NVIDIA and old AMD drivers.  We do not yet have GPU
  temperature monitoring for new AMD drivers.)  [Claudio, Solar; 2019]

- We've switched from 0-based to 1-based OpenCL device numbers for consistency
  with hashcat.  (We also use 1-based numbers for ZTEX FPGA boards now.)
  [Claudio, magnum, Solar; 2019]

- More efficient session interrupt/restore with many salts.  Previously, we'd
  retest the current set of buffered candidate passwords against all salts; now
  we (re)test them only against previously untouched salts.  This matters a lot
  when the candidate password buffers are large (e.g., for a GPU), target hash
  type is slow, and different salt count is large.  [JimF; 2016-2017]

- PRINCE cracking mode ("--prince[=FILE]") added due to kind contribution by
  atom of hashcat project.  It's not a rewrite but atom's original code, with
  additions for JtR session restore and some extras.  PRINCE is a wordlist-like
  mode, but it combines multiple words from a wordlist to form progressively
  longer candidate passwords.  See doc/PRINCE.  [atom, magnum; 2015]

- Subsets cracking mode added ("--subsets[=CHARSET]"), which exploits the
  weakness of having too few different characters in a password even if those
  come from a much larger set of potential characters.  A similar mode was
  already present as an external mode (originally by Solar) but the new mode is
  way faster, has full Unicode support (UTF-32 with no limitations whatsoever)
  and unlike that external mode it also supports session restore.
  See doc/SUBSETS.  [magnum; 2019]

- Hybrid external mode added.  This means external mode can produce lots of
  candidates from a single base word.  See "External Hybrid Scripting" in
  doc/EXTERNAL and "Hybrid_example", "Leet", and "Case" external modes in the
  default john.conf and the "HybridLeet" external mode in hybrid.conf.
  [JimF, Christien Rioux; 2016]

- Stacking of cracking modes improved.  Mask can now be stacked after any other
  cracking mode, referring to that other mode's output "word" as "?w" in the
  mask.  See doc/MASK.  The experimental "--regex" mode can be stacked before
  mask mode and after any other cracking mode.  [magnum, JimF; 2015-2016]

- Rules stacking.  The new option "--rules-stack" can add rules to any cracking
  mode, or after the normal "--rules" option (so you get rules x rules).
  [magnum; 2018]

- Support for what used to be hashcat-specific rules.  The ones that did not
  clash with our existing commands just work out-of-the-box.  Support for the
  ones that clash can be turned on/off at will within a rule set (using lines
  "!! hashcat logic ON" / "!! hashcat logic OFF").  See doc/RULES-hashcat.
  [JimF, magnum; 2016, 2018]

- Added third-party hashcat rule sets to run/rules/ and referenced them from
  separate sections as well as from [List.Rules:hashcat] in default john.conf,
  so "--rules=hashcat" activates most of them.  Our "--rules=all" also invokes
  these rules, but only as the last step after completing our usual rule sets.
  [magnum, individual rule set authors; 2018]

- Support for giving short rule commands directly on the command line,
  including with preprocessor, e.g. "--rules=:[luc]$[0-9]" to request
  "lowercase, uppercase, or capitalize, and append a digit" (30 rules after
  preprocessor expansion).  The leading colon requests this new feature, as
  opposed to requesting a rule set name like this option normally does.
  [JimF; 2016]

- Support for running several rule sets once after another, e.g.
  "--rules=wordlist,shifttoggle".  [JimF; 2016]

- Enhanced the "single crack" mode (which targets hashes with candidate
  passwords derived from related information such as their corresponding
  usernames) to be reasonable to use on massively-parallel devices such as
  GPUs in some cases, which was never the case before (we advised for this mode
  to always be used purely on CPU).  This is achieved through buffering of much
  larger numbers of candidate passwords per target salt (deriving them from
  application of a larger number of mangling rules) and teaching the rest of
  this mode's logic to cope up with such extensive buffering.  As part of this
  change, means were added for limiting this mode's memory usage (relevant when
  hashes having a lot of different salts are loaded for cracking), most notably
  the "SingleMaxBufferSize" setting in john.conf (4 GB by default).
  See doc/MODES.  [magnum; 2018]

- Added means for supplying global seed words for "single crack" mode, from
  command line ("--single-seed=WORD[,...]") or file ("--single-wordlist=FILE").
  [magnum; 2016]

- Wordlist mode: Better suppression of UTF-8 BOMs at a little performance cost.
  [magnum; 2016]

- Unicode support is now at version 11.0.0, and we also added a few legacy
  codepages.  [magnum; 2018]

- UTF-32 support in external modes.  This made an awesome boost to Dumb16/32
  and Repeats16/32 modes.  [magnum; 2018]

- Use our own invention "UTF-32-8" in subsets mode, for a significant boost in
  final conversion to UTF-8.  In the future we will likely make much more use
  of this trick.  [magnum; 2018]

- Full Unicode/codepage support even for OpenCL - most notably for formats like
  NT and LM.  [magnum; 2014-2019]

- Perfect hash tables for quick matching of computed against loaded hashes on
  GPU, used by many of our fast hash OpenCL formats.  So far, tested for up to
  320 million SHA-1 hashes, which used up 10 GB of GPU memory and 63 GB of host
  memory.  For comparison, when using CPU only (and bitmaps along with simpler
  non-perfect hash tables), the same hashes need 25 GB on host only, but the
  attack runs slower (than on-device mask mode, see below).  [Sayantan; 2015]

- On-device mask mode (and compare) implemented in nearly all OpenCL formats
  that need device-side mask acceleration.  Unlike most (maybe all) other
  crackers, we can do full speed cracking (or e.g. hybrid wordlist + mask)
  beyond ASCII, e.g. cracking Russian or Greek NT hashes just as easy as
  "Latin-1" - and without any significant speed penalty.  [Sayantan, Claudio,
  magnum; 2015-2019]

- Many improvements to mask mode, including incrementing lengths with
  stretching of masks (so you can say e.g. "-mask=?a -min-len=5 -max-len=7".
  [Sayantan, magnum; 2015, 2018]

- Uppercase ?W in mask mode, which is similar to ?w (takes another cracking
  mode's output "word" for construction of a hybrid mode) but toggles case of
  all characters in that "word".  [Sayantan; 2015]

- Extra (read-only) pot files that will be considered when loading hashes (such
  as to exclude hashes previously cracked on other systems, etc.)
  [magnum, JimF; 2015]

- Improved support for huge "hashes" (e.g. RAR archives) by introducing
  shortened pot entries and an alternate read line function that can read
  arbitrarily long lines.  [magnum, JimF; 2016]

- A negative figure for "--max-run-time=N" will now abort after N seconds of
  not cracking anything.  [magnum; 2016]

- Improved logging with optional full date/time stamp ("LogDateFormat",
  "LogDateFormatUTC", "LogDateStderrFormat" in john.conf).  [JimF; 2016]

- JSON interface for frontends (like Johnny the GUI) to use in the future for
  querying stuff.  [magnum, Aleksey Cherepanov; 2017, 2019]

- Many updates to *2john programs for supporting more/newer input formats and
  runtime environments (e.g., Python 3 compatibility).
  [Dhiru, magnum, philsmd, Albert Veli, others; 2015-2018]

- wpapcap2john: Support for more link types, more/newer packet types,
  more/newer algorithms e.g. 802.11n, anonce fuzzing, pcap-ng input format;
  dropped hard-coded limits in favor of dynamic allocations.
  [magnum; 2014-2018]

- More extensive self-tests with "--test-full" and optional builtin formats
  fuzzer with "--fuzz" (when built with "./configure --enable-fuzz").
  [Kai Zhao; GSoC 2015]

- "configure" options "--enable-ubsan" and "--enable-ubsantrap" for building
  with UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer (we already had "--enable-asan" for building
  with AddressSanitizer in 1.8.0-jumbo-1).  [Frank, JimF; 2015, 2017]

- "configure" options "--disable-simd" and "--enable-simd=foo" to easily build
  without SIMD support or for a particular SIMD instruction set (other than the
  build host's best).  [magnum, JimF; 2017]

- Default to not enable OpenMP for fast hash formats where OpenMP scalability
  is too poor and we strongly recommend use of "--fork" instead.  Accordingly,
  "configure" option "--disable-openmp-for-fast-formats" is replaced with its
  opposite "--enable-openmp-for-fast-formats".  [magnum; 2015]

- Lots of improvements and tweaks to our usage of autoconf.  [magnum]

- Many bug fixes, cleanups, unifications, and so on.  Many fixes initiated from
  source code, static, or runtime checking tools like ASan, UbSan, and fuzzers.
  [magnum, Frank, Claudio, Solar, Christien Rioux, others; 2015-2019]

- Many fixes for big-endian architectures and/or for those that don't allow
  unaligned access.
  [magnum, JimF, Claudio, Frank, Solar, others]

- Many improvements to documentation, although we're still lagging behind.
  [magnum, Frank, Solar, others]

- Far more extensive use of Continuous Integration (CI), where pull requests
  can't be merged until passing numerous tests on different platforms.  This is
  mostly part of our development process and not the release, although some
  CI-related files do exist in our released tree.
  [Claudio, magnum; 2015-2019]

Speaking of CI, here's a description from Claudio's repository, verbatim:

Our CI (continuous integration) testing scheme stresses John the Ripper source
code using:

        Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows Server 2016;
        FreeBSD 11 and FreeBSD 12;
        macOS 10.13 (Darwin Kernel Version 17.4.0);
        macOS 10.14 (Darwin Kernel Version 18.5.0);
        CentOS 6, Ubuntu 12.04, Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 17.10,
        Ubuntu 19.04 (devel), and Fedora 29;
        gcc 4.4, gcc 4.6, gcc 4.8, gcc 5.4, gcc 6.2[^1], gcc 7.2, gcc 7.4,
        gcc 8.3, and gcc 9.0;
        clang 3.9, clang 4.0, clang 5.0, clang 6.0, clang 7.0, and clang 8.0;
        Xcode 9.4; Apple LLVM version 9.1.0 (clang-902.0.39.2);
        Xcode 10.2; Apple LLVM version 10.0.1 (clang-1001.0.46.4);
    SIMD and non-SIMD builds (including AVX512);
    OpenMP and non-OpenMP builds;
    LE (Little Endian) and BE (Big Endian) builds;
    ASAN (address sanitizer) and UBSAN (undefined behavior sanitizer);
    Fuzzing (;
    MinGW + Wine (on Fedora Linux);
    CygWin on Windows Server;
    OpenCL on CPU using AMD drivers and POCL (;
    And a final assessment using ARMv7 (armhf), ARMv8 (aarch64), PowerPC64
Little-Endian, and IBM System z.

[^1]: will be decomissioned in May 2019.

Enjoy, and please provide feedback via the john-users mailing list.


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