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Message-ID: <CANWtx01ThFvyY101aKaBjvAdBwC+giOptoGpn58bXwjtrhFF2w@mail.gmail.com> Date: Wed, 23 May 2018 10:02:57 -0400 From: Rich Rumble <richrumble@...il.com> To: john-users@...ts.openwall.com Subject: Re: john --make-charset=custom.chr: Can't get the hang of using it. :-( On Wed, May 23, 2018 at 5:02 AM, Solar Designer <solar@...nwall.com> wrote: > Hi Eric, > > On Tue, May 22, 2018 at 09:14:57PM +0100, Eric Watson wrote: > > I have a .txt file containing a few characters from which a password was > > made. I have the hash of the password. > > > > I use the command: > > > > ./john --make-charset=custom.chr mypasswd.txt > > > > where "mypasswd.txt" contains characters (AbCdEf) > > > > I get the error: > > > > Loaded 0 plaintexts, exiting... > > The intended use for the "--make-charset" option is to process whatever > passwords you have already cracked in order to optimize further attacks. > The cracked passwords are read from john.pot. When you also list any > "password files" on the command line, (1) those must be of one of the > usual formats that JtR normally reads for cracking (that is, they should > contain password hashes, as well as possibly other fields) and (2) they > are only used to filter john.pot contents. In other words, you specify > them along with "--make-charset=custom.chr" only in order to limit the > resulting contents of custom.chr to overlap of what's in john.pot > (hashes and plaintexts) and what's in the specified files (hashes only). > > Your use is unintended. You may, however, achieve what you want by > creating a fake yet proper format john.pot with your characters, e.g.: > > echo :AbCdEf > john.pot > ./john --make-charset=custom.chr > > Please note that incremental mode cares not only about the character > set, but also about password lengths, character positions, character > frequencies given specific up to two preceding characters. So in the > above example, it will generate the specific string AbCdEf first (if > you allow it to generate candidate passwords of length 6 at all, and > don't apply any other restrictions). > > You might want to use mask mode instead, which is intended use and is > much easier, e.g.: > > ./john -2='AbCdEf' -mask='?2?2?2?2' mypasswd.hash > > This attacks your password hash directly, without generating any > intermediate charset file. > > > Looks like I could use a manual! However,I am told that one does not > > exist. I will create my own, step by step :-) > > Where are you told that a manual does not exist? > > > Please assist in using that john command. What I read seems to relate to > > password lists: > > > > From john examples: > > > > john --make-charset=custom.chr passwd1 passwd2 > > [ Configure your custom "incremental" mode now. See below. ] > > john -i=custom passwd3 > > > > > > Where does passwd3 appear from? > > All of the passwd* files in this example are expected to contain > password hashes. passwd1 and passwd2 contain hashes that you already > have some passwords cracked for (they're in john.pot), and you use these > files for filtering your john.pot contents (in case it also contains > cracked passwords for unrelated hashes). passwd3 is the password hash > file that you intend to crack. > > This example came from doc/EXAMPLES, where it says: > > "If you've got a password file for which you already have a lot of > passwords cracked or obtained by other means, and the passwords are > unusual, then you may want to generate a new charset file, based on > character frequencies from that password file only" > > Then it proceeds to give examples for one such file and eventually for > multiple related files (the example you quoted here). Perhaps we need > to clarify these examples with a mention that cracked passwords are read > from john.pot. > > Alexander > Other helpful resources in addition to the DOC <https://github.com/magnumripper/JohnTheRipper/tree/bleeding-jumbo/doc> folder are: http://openwall.info/wiki/john http://openwall.info/wiki/john/tutorials One I'm fond of: https://xinn.org/blog/JtR-AD-Password-Auditing.html (Skip down to "Using Jtr") -rich
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