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Message-ID: <>
Date: Fri, 4 Nov 2016 15:56:25 +0100
From: Solar Designer <>
Subject: Re: John does not fork as many times as I want

On Fri, Nov 04, 2016 at 03:48:42PM +0100, matlink wrote:
> Le 04/11/2016 ? 15:40, Solar Designer a ?crit :
> > It's just a matter of
> > getting the weakest passwords out first, at which point you restart and
> > can run more processes due to them staying more similar to each other
> > for longer.  If at some point they become dissimilar enough to run out
> > of memory again, you can interrupt and restore that session (without
> > losing any work already done).
> Understood. I suppose that using "john --restore=mysession" is faster
> than running again the above command having "--session=mysession", even
> if that command specifies a potfile ?

Sure, "--restore" continues from where the session was interrupted, not
re-testing the previously tested candidate passwords.

Without that option, you have JtR re-test the same candidate passwords.

The pot file eliminates previously cracked hashes in either case.

(Strictly speaking, even with "--restore" some candidate passwords may
be re-tested, because of buffering and such, so my "without losing any
work" is technically incorrect.  However, in practice when cracking
raw-SHA1 hashes you won't notice this, except in "single crack" mode,
because it'd be a fraction of a second.)


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