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Message-ID: <de58c02b-1a53-cb39-7146-a15f20dfbc00@gmail.com> Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2016 18:30:46 +0200 From: Marek Wrzosek <marek.wrzosek@...il.com> To: john-users@...ts.openwall.com Subject: Re: How long should I let JtR munch? Hi Skip, W dniu 10.08.2016 o 16:18, Skip Montanaro pisze: > > I fed it a few raw MD5 encrypted passwords yesterday. JtR has now been > running for about 18 hours (--fork=4) and has yet to crack any of them. My > machine is just a quad-core Intel Xeon (3.1ghz). Is there some way to > compare it with some faster machines using their graphics cards? Is it > possible to say something like, "if it doesn't complete in 24 hours on my > machine, it would be the equivalent if not completing in N hours (N < 24) > on a more studly machine?" Finally, on a related note, is there some way to > tell which mode it's in? It's just running like this: > You can run ./john --test and compare your results with other people results. You can search for 'john the ripper benchmarks' or compare with these <http://openwall.info/wiki/john/benchmarks>. > ./john --format=Raw-MD5 --fork=4 ~/tmp/sample.txt > > I believe it will automatically work its way through the various modes > <http://www.openwall.com/john/doc/EXAMPLES.shtml> it has. How do I know > what mode it's in at any given time? Here's recent status output: > Yes, it does. If you run john without specified mode, then john will run single, wordlist and incremental modes with default parameters. > % ./john --status > 1 0g 0:18:08:50 3/3 0g/s 24709Kp/s 24709Kc/s 123549KC/s > 2 0g 0:18:08:50 3/3 0g/s 24371Kp/s 24371Kc/s 121858KC/s > 3 0g 0:18:08:50 3/3 0g/s 24664Kp/s 24664Kc/s 123322KC/s > 4 0g 0:18:08:50 3/3 0g/s 25029Kp/s 25029Kc/s 125148KC/s > ^this (3/3) indicate that john is now in incremental mode for ^18 hrs 8 mins and 50 secs and one of ^.............................^ these numbers (in Kp/s, Kc/s and KC/s) will tell you how fast john is working But I'm not sure which one of them you should compare against other people benchmarks. I hope this would be helpful. Best regards, Marek -- Marek Wrzosek marek.wrzosek@...il.com
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