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Message-ID: <c457a5f7003a4b822629ee3273c84946@smtp.hushmail.com> Date: Wed, 2 Mar 2016 21:44:28 +0100 From: magnum <john.magnum@...hmail.com> To: john-users@...ts.openwall.com Subject: Reverse T9 rule Here's a brain exercise for anyone even more bored than me: I got the idea to write a T9 rule that can convert phone numbers like 1-800-CALL-ATT into their real phone number (in this case 1-800-2255-288). # magnum -> 624686 [List.Rules:T9] l sa2 sb2 sc2 sd3 se3 sf3 sg4 sh4 si4 sj5 sk5 sl5 sm6 sn6 so6 sp7 sq7 sr7 ss7 st8 su8 sv8 sw9 sx9 sy9 sz9 s 0 Q That was straight-forward albeit not incredibly useful. Anyway I also got the idea to do the reverse. In that case, a number will produce lots of candidates since each digit can mean one of up to four letters. Here's where I cowardly gave up: # Should do 624686 -> magnum (among many alternatives) [List.Rules:9T] s2[abc] s3[def] s4[ghi] s5[jkl] s6[mno] s7[pqrs] s8[tuv] s9[wxyz] s0[ ] Q The problem with this rule as written here is that given the input of 624686 it will replace *all* instances of "6" with either "m", "n" or "o". So it will produce candidates like magmum or nagnun but never magnum. Thus here's the challenge: Write a rule that actually works, as efficiently as possible. Can it be accommplished at all? Perhaps we'd need a new rule command? This would be easy using Perl or something like that but this is all about using rules and the preprocessor. magnum
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