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Message-ID: <5692E57A.1040700@gmail.com> Date: Mon, 11 Jan 2016 00:12:58 +0100 From: Marek Wrzosek <marek.wrzosek@...il.com> To: john-users@...ts.openwall.com Subject: Re: meaning of p/s, c/s and C/s W dniu 10.01.2016 o 18:24, Patrick Proniewski pisze: > > Thanks Marek, I've read about this difference before and tried --mask knowing it wouldn't be as fast as incremental to crack the first passwords. > > I've got another question by the way. I've launch the same as earlier but with only a 4 character mask: > > ./john --fork=4 --session=crypt-mask-4-AZaz09 --mask=[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9] DUMP.20151205 > > I should be pretty fast, after 5 minutes I was already at ~35%: > > 2 0g 0:00:05:40 34.57% (ETA: 17:59:38) 0g/s 936.4p/s 3832Kc/s 29482KC/s 4c0q..7e0q > 1 0g 0:00:05:40 34.21% (ETA: 17:59:48) 0g/s 926.7p/s 3793Kc/s 29180KC/s olub..rnub > 4 0g 0:00:05:40 35.02% (ETA: 17:59:25) 0g/s 948.8p/s 3883Kc/s 29873KC/s cj1V..fl1V > 3 0g 0:00:05:40 35.22% (ETA: 17:59:20) 0g/s 954.1p/s 3905Kc/s 30041KC/s 6LwG..9NwG > > but eventually, it would not end: > > 1 0g 0:00:39:30 N/A 0g/s 937.9p/s 3839Kc/s 29456KC/s 0Euj..3Guj > 2 0g 0:00:39:30 N/A 0g/s 929.0p/s 3803Kc/s 29177KC/s maUy..pcUy > 3 0g 0:00:39:30 N/A 0g/s 932.2p/s 3816Kc/s 29278KC/s a8qO..darO > 4 0g 0:00:39:30 N/A 0g/s 937.8p/s 3839Kc/s 29455KC/s WCZ3..ZEZ3 > > is there a loop somewhere? > > thanks, > pat > I think, the percentage and ETA values are just estimated. However if percentage is close to 100% or ETA expires, then jtr could show N/A. Similarly when it is close to 0% and ETA is far in the future, jtr will show N/A, too. Cracking process should end eventually. How long did you wait? -- Marek Wrzosek marek.wrzosek@...il.com
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