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Message-ID: <>
Date: Sat, 10 Oct 2015 11:17:24 +0200
From: Frank Dittrich <>
Subject: Re: Write: file too large error

On 10/10/2015 05:09 AM, Nick Johnson wrote:
> I'm sure this is a super easy newb fix, but I can't find anything on the
> wiki or on google. I think I've been working too much and my brain is
> fried, please someone point me in the right direction on fixing this
> error.

Googling for "write: file too large" directly points you to the cause of
the problem.

Since you didn't provide any details (what command you used, what file
system, what file size was reached when the error occurred) I can only
assume you are using a fat file system.

The only solution is to use another file system without such limits, or
to create smaller files.


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