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Message-ID: <5e89990fd52ffc425b5311eaa67b3794@smtp.hushmail.com> Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 20:39:22 +0100 From: magnum <john.magnum@...hmail.com> To: john-users@...ts.openwall.com Subject: Re: PRINCE approach from hashcat On 2014-12-10 16:10, Matt Weir wrote: > At0m had been talking about it replacing things like the progression JtR > does with Single => Wordlist => Incremental. That's because depending on > the wordlist it will eventually do several mangling techniques, (like > append digits), brute force, (up to eight characters long), etc. The more > I've been playing with it though the less useful I've found it. Aka I > suspect in most cases you are better off using a scripted progression > attacks like JtR vs relying on PRINCE. That's actually why I'm running the > tests right now so I can verify that assertion. I'm hopeful I should have a > full writeup on it done by this weekend if not sooner. If Atom includes this on GPU in a future version of ocl#cat it will run in circles around any 'manual' work you can come up with, to the point that it could compensate for a good deal of sofistication. That's why I like this idea (I haven't tested it at all). Together with a cleverly crafted wordlist it should do a fair job with very little user effort. There's no way it can ever replace Single mode though. That's a whole different beast! magnum
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