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Message-ID: <>
Date: Thu, 4 Dec 2014 15:59:25 -0500
From: Rich Rumble <>
Subject: Re: Recovering password given the unpacked data available

On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 3:07 PM, Rostislav Khlebnikov
<> wrote:
> Thank you,
> I will try that. Actually I already did - even had to compile the x64
> version of pkcrack, but with no success. I will try to figure out what am I
> doing wrong. For one of the files no matter what level of compression I use
> (7-zip or WinZip) I can't get the compressed plaintext file to be smaller
> than the extracted encrypted file, which is rather strange. My wife
> remembers parts of the password, so I will try dict attack too... Eh.
> Thanks for help anyway! :)
Elcomsoft used to do this, it's a very old attack, and as stated does
not work on recent or AES encrypted archives
Passware I think could also do the attack, but they are both
commercial offerings.

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