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Message-ID: <CACYkhxgWybqE5gJMWT4Lcmcx8MUPWXNVLDi08H+YNi9HPnRWkg@mail.gmail.com> Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 09:56:55 +1000 From: Michael Samuel <mik@...net.net> To: john-users@...ts.openwall.com Subject: Awesome Password Generator external mode Attached is an external mode that replays the Awesome Password Generator 1.3.2 RNG. https://code.google.com/p/awesome-password-generator/ This bug is fixed in 1.4.0, and you should probably change your passwords if you had been using this program prior to that. This mode is hard-coded to generating 16 characters, numbers, uppers, lowers and symbols, with "easy to type" unticked and "remove confusing characters" unticked. Alex put a lot of effort into 1.4.0 with removing bias and ensuring accurate strength estimates, and the program has an appealing UI. There is still bias caused by rejecting passwords without all classes represented, but it is assumed that users would manually reject these anyway, so he felt it was better that the password strength meter accurately represented this. Regards, Michael Content of type "text/html" skipped Download attachment "awesomepasswordgenerator.conf" of type "application/octet-stream" (9527 bytes)
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