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Message-ID: <009601cd4728$904b99b0$b0e2cd10$@net> Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2012 11:46:20 -0500 From: "jfoug" <jfoug@....net> To: <john-users@...ts.openwall.com> Subject: RE: JtR to process the LinkedIn hash dump >From: Solar Designer [mailto:solar@...nwall.com] > >Thanks, Jim! No problem. Still not the most stable format in the world, due to not quite fitting in with proper core john expectations, but all in all, works pretty good. >FWIW, here's a blog post by Francois Pesce who has experimented with >John the Ripper and JimF's "LinkedIn patch", successfully cracking 2 >million passwords: After 1 day, on single CPU only (win32 build), I had 3.3 million completed. I have moved on to other things at this time. Most of my testing was with some custom rules against some of my big wordlists. I then used some of the word-jamming methods I have been using against that 140 million dump, and they worked very well here also. So these things do crack pretty easily. Most of it is presenting quality words as quickly as possible to JtR. I am chunking along at 6 million tests per second, and feel I have found quite a few, for the amount of words tested. >https://community.qualys.com/blogs/securitylabs/2012/06/08/lessons- >learned-from-cracking-2-million-linkedin-passwords > >Some others have cracked more passwords, perhaps mostly by using GPUs - >@CrackMeIfYouCan reported over 4 million cracked after the first day - >yet 2 million is a fine number, and more importantly the blog post >details the approach, which I thought some john-users may find useful. > >Alexander
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