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Message-ID: <>
Date: Sun, 3 Apr 2011 22:21:44 -0500
From: Daniel Beard <>
Subject: Re: Questions about JtR


Thanks. So I've come up with a few more questions:

1) What's the difference between DES_bs and DES_bs_c?
2) I understand how to set a salt for DES_bs, but I'm totally confused as to
how to which function or combination to use on a plaintext key. (If this
needs to be it's own thread then I'll make a new one with a proper title)

>P.S. You chose a non-informative message Subject.  Please try to do
>better next time (if/when you start another thread). ;-)

Noted. My questions were too general for me to categorize effectively. From
now on most questions will center around use of DES.

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