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Message-ID: <011301ca01a4$cb1e37e0$615aa7a0$@net> Date: Fri, 10 Jul 2009 16:24:22 -0500 From: "Jim" <jfoug@....net> To: <john-users@...ts.openwall.com> Subject: RE: Contributing significant changes to the jumbo patch (mostly performance improvements) Patch: john- Things changed in this patch: Memory file: A file is preloaded and read from memory. There is a 25-50% improvement in speed doing this. Note, requires memory, so of course, there is trade-offs. By default, will load all files under 5 million bytes. This size is controllable by the new option --mem-file-size=#, and the --save-memory option changed so that if it is present, it will shut off memory file. The biggest gains come from non-salted and fast algorithms (such as rawMD5). Also, biggest gains are when using --rules. When a memory file is used, only ONE read of the file is done into a memory block, then the lines are read (possibly over and over again) from this block. In the existing file reading mode, there is a file IO call for each line. Larger hash sizes. In prior version, 4k elements was the largest hash table size. Now, there has been a 64k element and 1mb element hash table sizes added (5 total now). This made a 3x to 4x improvement in speed for a fast non-salted algorithm like rawMD5, when working with a large set of user entries (such as 150k records). At 150k, there was almost a 10x improvement in speed. For slower Algorithms or algorithms which have GOOD salts, this performance gain will be little to none. NOTE at this time, only rawMD5 and phpass formats actually implement the 4th and 5th hash level. The code automatically ignores these hash levels in the other formats. However, if there ARE other formats which could benefit, then all that has to be done, is add the 2 functions for each of the hashing methods to the format, and then put the function pointers into the format object. Again, non-salted (or where the salt is 'broken'), fast formats, where you get a LARGE set of candidates to test, is the ideal situation. Other formats, may or may not need these extra functions added. Added ability to reduce the ftell() (IO performance hit), within the wordfile.c. This is controlled with a new command option: --fix-state-delay=# The default is 0. Again, the big improvements (if any) would come from FAST non-salted algorithms. Setting to 10 (or even 100), on an algorithm processing 5 million passwords per second will not make crash recovery any different, but will help to reduce the file IO calls. NOTE if the program is running in memory file mode, then it already has done away with ALL calls to the ftell() function. Some changes made to some generic string hashing functions. Small changes were made, that allow the hashes to run just as fast, but spread the hash returned values better. The percentage done shown on screen has been enhanced to be 100th of a percent: (so now 63.42% instead of 63% is shown). Not a performance patch, but due to collisions, this patch was put in. The patch should cause no problems, it is pretty much out of the 'normal' runtime path of execution. I am sure there is something else I am forgetting, but I need to head home, or the wife will beat me, lol. If there are other changes, I will post a follow up. Jim. -- To unsubscribe, e-mail john-users-unsubscribe@...ts.openwall.com and reply to the automated confirmation request that will be sent to you.
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