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Message-ID: <478418.63757.qm@web33402.mail.mud.yahoo.com> Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2007 20:32:38 -0700 (PDT) From: ByteRage <byterage@...oo.com> To: john-users@...ts.openwall.com Subject: potential MySQL optimization Given the MySQL password hash function: Code: void hash_password(ulong *result, const char *password) { register ulong nr = 1345345333L, add = 7, nr2 = 0x12345671L; ulong tmp; for (; *password ; password++) { if (*password == ' ' || *password == '\t') continue; tmp = (ulong) (unsigned char) *password; nr ^= (((nr & 63) + add) * tmp) + (nr << 8); nr2 += (nr2 << 8) ^ nr; add += tmp; } result[0] = nr & (((ulong) 1L << 31) -1L); result[1] = nr2 & (((ulong) 1L << 31) -1L); } We can clearly see 2 new unsigned longs are being calculated for every new character of the passwords within the for-loop. This enables an optimization where the cracker enumerates the passwords as follows to crack the hashes faster by keeping track of the intermediate 2 unsigned longs: when checking 2 character passwords: character1: 'A' (calculate 2 ulong values for "A", store in array at pos 0) character2: 'A'-'Z' (based on the value in array at pos 0) character1: 'B' character2: 'A'-'Z' ... when checking 3 character passwords: character1: 'A' (calculating 2 ulong values for "A", store in array at pos 0) character2: 'A' (calculating 2 ulong values for "AA", store in array at pos 1) character3: 'A'-'Z' (based on the value in array at pos 1) etc... (there's code on the internet that implements this faster mysql cracking method) A possible improvement which I think is potentially useful for optimizing the MySQL module in JtR is to use a hashtable as follows: Keep track of checked passwords: pwds[pwd char1 % ...][pwd char2 % ...]... = "..." Keep track of 2 ulongs for every precalculated char in the cached pwds: prec[pwd char1 % ...][pwd char2 % ...]...[MAXPRECALCULATEDLEN][2] = "..." Now it is possible to have a speed optimization due to matching prefixes between checked passwords and those that are being checked. Example: MAXPRECALCULATEDLEN = 6 char indexes go through % 32 f.e., space required: 32*32*32*6 bytes (192kB) for pwds 32*32*32*6*2*4 bytes (1536kB) for unsigned longs of all prefixes 123456 was checked, hence pwds[1][2][3] = "123456" prec[1][2][3][0][0] & prec[1][2][3][0][1] precalculated values for "1" prec[1][2][3][1][0] & prec[1][2][3][1][1] precalculated values for "12" prec[1][2][3][2][0] & prec[1][2][3][2][1] precalculated values for "123" prec[1][2][3][3][0] & prec[1][2][3][3][1] precalculated values for "1234" prec[1][2][3][4][0] & prec[1][2][3][4][1] precalculated values for "12345" prec[1][2][3][5][0] & prec[1][2][3][5][1] precalculated values for "123456" "12aze" is to be checked, "12" matches and needn't be calculated, calculation continues from prefix "12"... "1234abcd" is to be checked, "1234" matches and needn't be calculated, calculation continues from prefix "1234"... cheers, Joachim De Zutter ____________________________________________________________________________________ Luggage? GPS? Comic books? Check out fitting gifts for grads at Yahoo! Search http://search.yahoo.com/search?fr=oni_on_mail&p=graduation+gifts&cs=bz -- To unsubscribe, e-mail john-users-unsubscribe@...ts.openwall.com and reply to the automated confirmation request that will be sent to you.
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