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Message-ID: <fd8vhl$833$1@sea.gmane.org> Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2007 20:28:56 +0200 From: "Morag Agmon" <agmonm@...il.com> To: john-users@...ts.openwall.com Subject: Re: Re: Markov filter password generation Ok, Summary of my experience with the Markov filter so far: 1. Finished running level=216 , time: 56 hours (using two seperate processes on my AMD X2 4200+ cores). 2. c/s: 1370K 3. Passes: 557 , 467 salts (DES) 4. Cracked: 5 after level=150. 5. Cracked: 78 more after level=216 --> total: 83 of 557. Some insights: * I tried the filter on the passwd file that I have, which I had already ran various attemps on cracking it (single, wordlists+rules, some external modes, short incrementals, etc). After 45 days of non-stop cracking on my CPU , I have managed to crack 188 passes. * Out of the 83 passes I cracked with the markov filter, 8 were not previously cracked by my previous attemps. This is quite impressive, due to the fact that the current rate of passes I crack is about 1-2 per week. * I'm from Israel, so the filter (and stats) works well also on hebrew words (written in english alphabet ofcourse) - cracked passes will be at the end of this post, for your (Simon) reviewing Conclusions: * I will definitely continue using this filter, and look up to a clean version of it (cygwin or windows) * Instructions on how to make my own stat file is a must. * Well done Simon on implementing a great idea on the paper to a strong cracking tool. Cheers, Morag Agmon The cracked password (not necessarily in order): marinac matan1 arie10 lorieli elinor maz1155 milu1975 migvanon mordan12 morris1 mor900 chilanza chip999 chip999 carplop sarit2 set1975 sima111 sheleg1 smithcha s484546 s484546 s832418 s832418 andreyg arrow4 alexpok aca639 avi2345 a150277 a6100980 lena1236 lena1236 lanitalm l269333 bereshit borlus borlus boolean1 bobo00 bartsim bugbug pianoman marinac matan1 arie10 lorieli elinor poniaev porit74 podarok podarok dagangid dopeps duke74 fuchsia grad100 notsa7 teecan themoon tamagabe t233098 ee412 rinatg rendib rexishel rosdud rmic72 r148414 kim993 kent100 v130171 v130171 v441302 1045106 ia3479 2124113 o12345 oadler 5051979 311943 3877739 461738 4384706 xuinia 717171 9318797 qwe123 -- To unsubscribe, e-mail john-users-unsubscribe@...ts.openwall.com and reply to the automated confirmation request that will be sent to you.
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