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Message-ID: <20070704091732.GA13020@openwall.com> Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2007 13:17:32 +0400 From: Solar Designer <solar@...nwall.com> To: john-users@...ts.openwall.com Subject: Administrivia - quoting etiquette, value of postings Hi, websiteaccess, Larry, Tom (and others) - I've been asking this many times, but it seems that I have to repeat: Please avoid overquoting. Please quote just relevant context needed to understand what you're responding to - most of the time, that will be just a few lines. Frank has provided a good reference on quoting etiquette; here's a direct link to the English version of that text: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote.html websiteaccess - I understand that you've found another password cracker program that you like, and I am happy for you. However, I'd appreciate it if you don't "plug" it on every occasion, without much thought, and without addressing questions raised in whatever messages you "respond" to. I understand that this is a user community mailing list and I can't really expect people to spend more time on responses than they want to, but a better response would have been to address Tom's original question, then point out that tool X (OK, let it be InsidePro in this context) might be better (if you think so) and briefly explain just how it is different (including the order in which candidate passwords are tried, OS support, cost, source code availability). Such a posting would have been of much more "value" than the one that you did make. The typos and overquoting suggest that you didn't even bother to re-read your posting before sending it - yet you're having hundreds of other people read it (we're at 600+ subscribers now, and there are people reading archives on the web). Please have a little bit more respect to people reading what you post. While we're at it, here's a link to the latest list charter draft that I've posted: http://www.openwall.com/lists/john-users/2007/02/17/3 Thanks, -- Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com> GPG key ID: 5B341F15 fp: B3FB 63F4 D7A3 BCCC 6F6E FC55 A2FC 027C 5B34 1F15 http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments -- To unsubscribe, e-mail john-users-unsubscribe@...ts.openwall.com and reply to the automated confirmation request that will be sent to you.
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