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Message-ID: <18796108.163981178862914533.JavaMail.root@bj163app62.163.com> Date: Fri, 11 May 2007 13:55:14 +0800 (CST) From: yl_changjiu <yl_changjiu@....com> To: john-users@...ts.openwall.com Subject: Re:Re: Q about "MaxLen" of incremental mode Thank you very much for explaining the concepts.i am a beginner on data encryption/decryption and most importantly my mother tongue is not English. I'am a Chinese. i identified my nationality just for sincerity. And i hope this won't bring racial discrimination:) 在2007-05-11,"Solar Designer" <solar@...nwall.com> 写道: > yl_changjiu <yl_changjiu@...> writes: > > my hashes are like "I/2n0CZPaSkTI", "LHMfqiZfvP.eo" and so on. On Fri, May 11, 2007 at 05:02:47AM +0000, -. -PhanTom-. - wrote: > Well, those hashes are DES. > And any words of more than 8 characters encrypted by DES will be truncated > to 8 characters. Those hashes use one of the DES-based hashing methods (the most common one for Unix passwords), and this is hashing, not encryption. You might want to use the right words when speaking about this. The differences might appear subtle to you, but they are crucial. Not all DES-based hashing methods have this truncation property, and of those that do not all truncate at 8 characters (for example, LM hashes are also DES-based, but they split input passwords at 7 and truncate them after 14 characters). If you were to actually encrypt something with DES (the block cipher) rather than compute a hash, there would be different modes of operation to choose from, but the input plaintext would not be truncated unless you choose to process just one block or similar. > milkshake -> milkshak > hamburger -> hamburge Yes, that's what happens for the traditional DES-based crypt(3). --
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