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Message-ID: <461678FA.5080404@xplornet.com> Date: Fri, 06 Apr 2007 12:44:42 -0400 From: Gavin Westermann <gwestermann@...ornet.com> To: john-users@...ts.openwall.com Subject: Need help appying a patch to john 1.7.2 I definitely need some help here. I think I am doing this right but my results always seem to fail. I am trying to apply a patch to john 1.7.2 so that I can decrypt one cashed password from a laptop I have in which I have simply forgotten the domain password I used. I used cachedump to retrieve it and would now like to use John to recover the password. This patch is supposed to add what I need to John to do that. I wget this file (john-1.7.2-mscash-alainesp-4.1.diff.gz) into the src directory in John 1.7.2, cd to src and run the following command and get the following output. It asks for the file to patch and I give "john.conf" . I have tried several different patches with different versions and get the same or more complex failures. I have to be doing something simple wrong.... Any help would be appreciated. Gavin e220r% gunzip -c john-1.7.2-mscash-alainesp-4.1.diff.gz | patch -p0 Looks like a unified context diff. File to patch: john.conf The next patch looks like a unified context diff. The next patch looks like a unified context diff. The next patch looks like a unified context diff. Hunk #1 failed at line 0. 1 out of 1 hunks failed: saving rejects to john.conf.rej I can't seem to find a patch in there anywhere. e220r% -- To unsubscribe, e-mail john-users-unsubscribe@...ts.openwall.com and reply to the automated confirmation request that will be sent to you.
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