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Message-ID: <20061018211840.GA20186@openwall.com> Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2006 01:18:40 +0400 From: Solar Designer <solar@...nwall.com> To: john-users@...ts.openwall.com Subject: Re: John, word list question Brian - On Wed, Oct 18, 2006 at 03:28:02PM -0400, Brian Cuttler wrote: > > > 1 AAD > > > 1 AADEL > > > 1 AADLAND > > Just for reference, I find the odd entries in a file named "names.hp.gz" Indeed. I told you that filename a few messages back. ;-) > I combined our "good" files with the "all" file, I don't think you needed to do that. > ASSurnames.gz actor-surname.gz male-names.gz > Acr-diagnosis.gz asteroids.Z movie-characters.gz ... > World.factbook.Z kjbible.Z > actor-givenname.gz male-names-kantr.gz All of the above files and many more have been considered for the Openwall collection and either merged (in some form) or rejected. I've just checked - I have a total of 1,335 input wordlist files that were considered for the collection. (Most were duplicates with only minor file format conversions, etc. Many were poor quality.) I don't expect that you will get (m)any more passwords cracked with your expanded wordlist than you would with plain all.lst. More importantly, you need to pick the new revision of password.lst from JtR 1.7+ - it has quite some very common passwords added compared to the revision from JtR 1.6 (that went into all.lst in the currently available revision of the Openwall collection). You'll need to merge that new password.lst with the all.lst file that you've downloaded (place the password.lst entries first). Alternatively, you can pick the new revision of all.lst from JtR Pro - it already has the new password.lst in it (and more). Yes, it's high time I put out a new revision of the Openwall wordlists collection with the new password.lst merged and with many more pending changes... -- Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com> GPG key ID: 5B341F15 fp: B3FB 63F4 D7A3 BCCC 6F6E FC55 A2FC 027C 5B34 1F15 http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments -- To unsubscribe, e-mail john-users-unsubscribe@...ts.openwall.com and reply to the automated confirmation request that will be sent to you.
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