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Message-ID: <20060109025631.GA28410@openwall.com> Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 05:56:31 +0300 From: Solar Designer <solar@...nwall.com> To: john-users@...ts.openwall.com Subject: remote password cracking (was: Re: Query on John the Ripper tool) On Fri, Jan 06, 2006 at 08:31:33AM -0500, Mazhar wrote: > I was looking for a tool that can attack on remote server ... like "brute > force attack" i have this tool but i want John to make it. This is barely on-topic for this mailing list, but I'll respond to your question now. Hopefully, any follow-up postings will be closer related to the use of John the Ripper and/or will provide further insight on this topic. Please note that I've changed the message Subject. The old one was meaningless, and you have also quoted irrelevant content from a previous discussion. Please try to not repeat these mistakes which can be quite annoying to other subscribers. Now, to your question. Yes, there are a number of tools which would probe different candidate passwords against remote systems. The most well-known of these appears to be Brutus. It is a Windows application. I've never tried it out myself, so I cannot really recommend it. Also, the primary website for Brutus (which used to be at hoobie.net) is down, but you can still find copies of Brutus on other websites. Another implementation of a brutus-alike can be found here: http://0xdeadbeef.info/code/brutus.pl This one is written in Perl and thus should run on most platforms with Perl and some Perl modules installed. I am sure there are many more of these out there. Yes, you may use John the Ripper to generate a stream of candidate passwords for these programs. For that, you will use the "--stdout" option to "john". Generally, remote password probing attacks run a lot slower than cracking of locally available password hashes does, so you should expect to crack only the weakest passwords in this way. Of course, you need to realize that such remote password probing is not only very likely illegal to do without proper authorization, but it can also potentially disrupt normal operation of the remote server (e.g., by causing high load, triggering software bugs, filling up the disks where authentication attempts are logged, triggering too many IDS alerts, or otherwise). -- Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com> GPG key ID: B35D3598 fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929 6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598 http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments Was I helpful? Please give your feedback here: http://rate.affero.net/solar
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