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Message-Id: <B2BB2F08-0316-477F-A2FF-16CA061DEFFA@shinnok.com>
Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2015 12:39:59 +0300
From: Shinnok <admin@...nnok.com>
To: john-dev@...ts.openwall.com
Subject: Re: Johnny v2.1 and beyond
> On Aug 17, 2015, at 8:13 PM, Mathieu Laprise <mathlaprise@...il.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 13, 2015 at 12:42 AM, Shinnok <admin@...nnok.com <mailto:admin@...nnok.com>> wrote:
> Since GSoC is drawing to an end pretty soon, the only other release that will take place as part of this program will be version 2.2. This version encompasses some important features like 2john file menu, jumbo attack modes and export, along with some smaller tasks.
> Mathieu, if you're OK with this, I propose we work on this until the firm pencils down date which is 21 of this month. Then towards the final evaluation deadline, 28, we should be hurrying up to wrap up, prepare the final release and announce it. I think there's enough time left for us to accomplish this final release.
> I just finished the new jumbo modes task, it can be merged after you do your usual review. This week, my plan was to work on my 2.2 github issues, get it reviewed by you, well test johnny, update french translation, update changelog, wiki, wrap-up release, build well-tested binaries for platforms until the firm pencil down date(august 21th). After GSOC is over, on the week of august 21st to 28th, I can't spend a lot of time on johnny since I need to clean my new apartment, paint it and move my stuck there with a truck I rent since school will start at the end of august. My university (and my apartment) is 7 hours away from my summer home(parents) so this complicates the situation. I also need to go buy a used fridge and an oven for my apartment. So that's why I'd like to do as much as possible for the release before the end of GSOC. I'm not sure if we're gonna have time to put a WELL-TESTED, not rushed, *2john support in version 2.2. Especially because *2john requires much thought on Windows because python/perl etc. isn't installed by default, maybe it requires modifying the installer to download the latest community supported .exe scripts from openwall wiki automatically like Rich suggested. Also, the script have different interfaces.
I appreciate being upfront on this. We'll strive to wrap it up this week in this case.
> How do you want the UI for this ? I think that putting 30+ items in the open menu(like the session menu) might look confusing. I thought about 2 options for the open menu : open pwd file and openother formats. Clicking on other format open a new windows where you can select :
> Input file : LineEdit/Browse button
> Format : A lot of mutually exclusive checkboxes PDF, cisco etc..
> Output file : (For resuming the session, we have to save the output from stdout to a new file) LineEdit / Browse Button
> Additional parameters: For example when selecting a format such as openssl, some new options might appear. As you can see some scripts like ./openssl2john.py have options [-c cipher] [-m md] [-p plaintext]
Let's limit what we do for 2john. No .exe scripts for now, just invoke them via QProcess::startDetached("/bin/sh", QStringList() << "./x2john.py"); and rely on the shell. Display the errors if such is the result and abort the operation. Yes, this will imply only supporting Unix for this.
As for the UI, I suggest we stick to the menu for the Open password file action, but instead of listing all supported formats, the second action could be "Other file format (*2john)". Upon triggering, it should display the widget you proposed.
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