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Message-ID: <CAHNEV5QwahEc_w8dLgg15LvR5kcXcwLdaOfT6ApDQi0NhL8Brg@mail.gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 11 May 2015 14:41:51 -0400
From: Mathieu Laprise <mathlaprise@...il.com>
To: john-dev@...ts.openwall.com
Subject: Mathieu's weekly report #2
- Add OpenMP support to Johnny. The user has the choice of number of
OpenMP threads to use. If he choose default, john will choose it based on
the number of cores or he can chooses another value in Johnny.
- As requested by Solar, add a way to set environment variables for john
in Johnny. For example, the user can write Variable1=value1,
Variable2=value2, Variable3=value3 in Johnny and we will set those
environment variables in the john process.
Those features and the work that I've previously done in week #1 are merged
in the PR
Since feature 1.5.1 Manual plain-text guessing for individual ciphers
(directly in the table view) 's requirements hasn't been defined clearly by
the team yet, we decided to do Windows initial support in this sprint.
- Windows initial support. On Windows (tested on 8.1), Johnny can't
terminate cleanly the main(and only) process of JtR(equivalent of unix
sigterm). So, start attack/pause attack don't work. I spent a lot of time
finding and testing a clean solution for this. It's not a lot of line of
codes but it was tricky to get a working solution to this problem. This
code works and can be found here :
- Start priorizing and working on the 179 TODOs from 2012 that are in
the code.
My first idea was to start 1.5.1 if the requirements were clear. However,
Shinnok and I discussed and it'll be continue working on the 179 TODOS from
2012 and redo in another way windows initial support.
More infos can be found in discussions from this week : thread Windows
event loop and thread TODOS and comments in code
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