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Message-ID: <CABtNtWEb0DV2vkRZ9hzptXBsa+hXQr7RxDNNDnCe3GVRNQf0dQ@mail.gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 25 Apr 2015 11:03:01 +0800
From: Kai Zhao <loverszhao@...il.com>
To: john-dev@...ts.openwall.com
Subject: Re: Advice on proposal: John the Ripper jumbo robustness
> Please try to also undo other optimizations. E.g. enable dymanics, use
> config file, etc. If it's done only once it should not visibly affect
> speed.
> BTW, as a separate experiment, please try fuzzing with and without
> --nolog and --skip-self-test. I've seen faster fuzzing without these
> in some tests.
I did 5 experiments on each case. The exec speed is sampled when the run
time between 1 minute to 2 minute. Below are the datas.
1. Disable dynamics and do not use full config
$ export AFL_DEFER_FORKSRV='1'
$ echo '[Options]' > local.conf
$ echo garbage > test_cases/test.pw
$ afl-fuzz -m none -i test_cases/ -o out ../john @@ --nolog
--skip-self-test --format=7z --config=local.conf
| id | exec timing | exec speed |
| 1 | 476us | 2200~2230 |
| 2 | 465us | 2185~2210 |
| 3 | 481us | 2178~2200 |
| 4 | 494us | 2169~2190 |
| 5 | 479us | 2168~2190 |
average | | 479us | 2168~2230 |
2. Enable dynamics
$ export AFL_DEFER_FORKSRV='1'
$ echo '[Options]' > local.conf
$ echo garbage > test_cases/test.pw
$ afl-fuzz -m none -i test_cases/ -o out ../john @@ --nolog
--skip-self-test --format=7z --config=local.conf
| id | exec timing | exec speed |
| 1 | 496us | 2139~2160 |
| 2 | 499us | 2133~2160 |
| 3 | 502us | 2150~2162 |
| 4 | 480us | 2091~2103 |
| 5 | 511us | 2078~2113 |
average | | 497us | 2078~2162 |
The speed is about 100/sec smaller. Because we enable dynamic, then
there are more formats, and we try to valid the hash with each format, so
it is a little smaller.
3. Full config file
$ export AFL_DEFER_FORKSRV='1'
$ echo garbage > test_cases/test.pw
$ afl-fuzz -m none -i test_cases/ -o out ../john @@ --nolog
--skip-self-test --format=7z
| id | exec timing | exec speed |
| 1 | 536us | 2004~2017 |
| 2 | 527us | 1950~1993 |
| 3 | 512us | 1896~2000 |
| 4 | 534us | 1969~1982 |
| 5 | 507us | 2000~2020 |
average | | 523us | 1896~2020 |
The speed is about 200 smaller. Even though we read and parse config file
once, but there are also some calls, such as in the function:
ldr_load_pw_file() calls cfg_get_bool(), and the cfg_get_bool() will
all the sections of config which is slow when the config file is large.
4. Without --nolog
$ export AFL_DEFER_FORKSRV='1'
$ echo '[Options]' > local.conf
$ echo garbage > test_cases/test.pw
$ afl-fuzz -m none -i test_cases/ -o out ../john @@ --skip-self-test
--format=7z --config=local.conf
| id | exec timing | exec speed |
| 1 | 484us | 2186~2197 |
| 2 | 486us | 2136~2151 |
| 3 | 481us | 2146~2167 |
| 4 | 455us | 2176~2185 |
| 5 | 469us | 2163~2173 |
average | | 475us | 2136~2197 |
Without --nolog and with --nolog seems no difference on the speed, but
I am afraid that the john.log will become very large after a long time, and
I think the speed will slow then.
5. Without --skip-self-test
$ export AFL_DEFER_FORKSRV='1'
$ echo '[Options]' > local.conf
$ echo garbage > test_cases/test.pw
$ afl-fuzz -m none -i test_cases/ -o out ../john @@ --nolog --format=7z
| id | exec timing | exec speed |
| 1 | 499us | 2135~2151 |
| 2 | 462us | 2159~2172 |
| 3 | 466us | 2166~2183 |
| 4 | 469us | 2146~2152 |
| 5 | 495us | 2178~2191 |
average | | 478us | 2135~2191 |
Without --skip-self-test and with --skip-self-test seems no difference on
speed. Since we return after john_init(), it will not call fmt_self_test().
In this
case, this parameter is useless.
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