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Message-ID: <CAKGDhHXKk_6nyVeq2TEqG1EpRZopF6eEgSScDgxp=SgiVbbGAQ@mail.gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2015 01:05:36 -1000
From: Agnieszka Bielec <bielecagnieszka8@...il.com>
To: john-dev@...ts.openwall.com
Subject: Re: [GSoC] John the Ripper support for PHC finalists
I skipped the file Makefile.legacy
2015-03-24 8:13 GMT-10:00 Agnieszka Bielec <bielecagnieszka8@...il.com>:
> functions get_hash_x now are working properly. I have not used ARCH_WORD
> but char*. Is this a problem?
> 2015-03-24 3:06 GMT-10:00 Agnieszka Bielec <bielecagnieszka8@...il.com>:
> > For now it would be good if you could create account on github, clone magnum's
>> repository and push your changes there. When you do so please share with
>> us link to the repository.
>> https://github.com/Lucife-r/pomelo here it is but sorry for *.o files .
>> Today I realized that functions get_hash_x are implemented in a wrong way,
>> so I removed the tests. I'm going to work on this.
>> > Will you be able to work on that?
>> What exactly do you mean?
>> During summer or this week? Or maybe you are asking about my graphics
>> card?
>> 2015-03-23 18:16 GMT-10:00 Lukas Odzioba <lukas.odzioba@...il.com>:
>> 2015-03-24 0:12 GMT+01:00 Agnieszka Bielec <bielecagnieszka8@...il.com>:
>>> > I've implemented POMELO hash for John the Ripper using OpenMP and I
>>> also
>>> > have determined the plaintext format of PAMELO hash by modyfying
>>> slightly
>>> > pomelo.c
>>> Good job. Btw it is actually a ciphertext not plaintext.
>>> > where to upload my code ?
>>> For now it would be good if you could create account on github, clone
>>> magnum's repository and push your changes there.
>>> When you do so please share with us link to the repository.
>>> > PS. there is no SIMD or OpenCL implemented
>>> Will you be able to work on that?
>>> Please also read the following guides on better quotting in emails:
>>> http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/anton/mail-news-errors.html
>>> http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote.html
>>> Thank you for your effort,
>>> Lukas
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