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Message-ID: <CAFNw1FLEqSbfaKHs2hmrwsxp6WEefxY1b8rmC=4ZGcK-fxfWsQ@mail.gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 23:47:48 +0500
From: Muhammad Junaid Muzammil <mjunaidmuzammil@...il.com>
To: "john-dev@...ts.openwall.com" <john-dev@...ts.openwall.com>
Subject: Re: CUDA formats
Yeah sure, I'll look into that. If there are any OpenCL tickets, I'll love
to fix that too.
On Tuesday, January 21, 2014, magnum <john.magnum@...hmail.com> wrote:
> On 2014-01-21 18:36, Muhammad Junaid Muzammil wrote:
>> In terms of performance, I personally think that both are equally well.
>> What gives CUDA edge is its libraries. There are a lot more scientific
>> computing being done in CUDA as compared to OpenCL (at least what I have
>> observed). One such example is that over gpgpu.org, CUDA resources are
>> atleast three times than that of OpenCL (322:101) in actual.
> Let's se what it looks like in a couple of years from now. I really like
> nvidia, they have stable drivers and much less problems with everything.
> It's just the little problem that they suck at password cracking and that's
> not really about CUDA vs OpenCL but hardware differences. However iirc when
> it comes to 64-bit formats, nvidia may look better - or at least less bad.
> Regarding the Nvidia vs AMD comparison, 2 of the world's most powerful
>> supercomputers consists of Nvidia devices where as there isn't any AMD
>> machine in it (http://www.top500.org/lists/2013/11/). With Nvidia
>> investing
>> a lot in academia with its CUDA programs, atleast I don't see an end to
>> it.
>> But who knows, may be my predictions prove wrong.
> @epixoip mentioned on hc forums that Seoul National University have a
> cluster on some top 500 list, consisting of 224 x AMD 7970 devices running
> SnuCL. I can't find it in the list you link to, so maybe it was some other
> top 500.
> I, personally would say to keep the CUDA support open. The priority for
>> its
>> development can be set as low but don't tune it off.
> Yeah don't worry - JtR is used a lot for academic research anyway and
> someone may need it. I do welcome improvements.
> BTW apart from wpapsk, CUDA md5crypt also lags behind the OpenCL version.
> Feel free to fix that. Either have a look at latest md5crypt-opencl in
> bleeding-jumbo, or do it on your own and make it even better.
> magnum
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