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Message-ID: <CAFNw1FLZeO+pfFAv=cRGOydPFKw2LVjxR7aNETOHwwxSTOy4xQ@mail.gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2014 22:37:20 +0500
From: Muhammad Junaid Muzammil <mjunaidmuzammil@...il.com>
To: "john-dev@...ts.openwall.com" <john-dev@...ts.openwall.com>
Subject: Re: CUDA multi-device support
Sure, I will post a comment at the issue tracker whichever I choose.
On Tuesday, January 7, 2014, magnum wrote:
> On 2014-01-07 16:51, Muhammad Junaid Muzammil wrote:
>> Currently, I don't have physical multi GPU access. Will have to look for
>> some alternatives.
> Otherwise I can get temporary access to a dual-device CUDA machine in a
> week or so, so I can do the pwsafe fixes. Feel free to pick any other issue
> you want from https://github.com/magnumripper/JohnTheRipper/issues (just
> tell us you'll be looking into it so we don't end up doing same things) or
> just implement a new format of your choice (perhaps one we have as
> CPU-only), or optimize an existing one if possible. CUDA or OpenCL, that's
> up to you.
> BTW another thing you could try if you like, is CUDA auto-tuning. Many of
> our OpenCL formats auto-tune their local/global worksizes at startup (and
> we're moving towards using as much shared code as possible for that). All
> our CUDA formats currently have hard-coded threads/blocks, defaulting to
> figures non-optimal for high-end GPUs.
> magnum
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