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Message-ID: <20140102103623.THTA4.703918.imail@fed1rmwml206>
Date: Thu, 2 Jan 2014 10:36:23 -0500
From:  <>
Cc: Frank Dittrich <>
Subject: Re: Problem loading dynamic formats with TestD=... lines
 (was: Segfault with linux-x86-64-clang-debug)

---- Frank Dittrich <> wrote: 
> What is the purpose of TestD?

Found in ./docs/DYNAMIC instructions:

#  TestD= Allows placing a test case that will ONLY load, if -DDEBUG build of
#    JtR is done (for testing).  At this time, the REALLY long password hashes
#    are being added with TestD=  so that the timing of the formats will not be 
#    impacted, but so that a debugging build can be done, and the extra long
#    test strings will still be there and be tested.

But how well it works ...... Who knows.  This likely has not been tested too well.

However, it likely sounds like for some reason, there is memory overwriting happening on this build.

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