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Message-ID: <CAFYn=yBBbfzN=Phaj0NXYCNXaZaMGgm8yyXBenYmb0VZLF==Ww@mail.gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 2013 13:09:21 -0400
From: Yaniv Sapir <yaniv@...pteva.com>
To: john-dev <john-dev@...ts.openwall.com>
Subject: Re: Parallella: Litecoin mining
Can you please post the C source and according ASM result of the 2 types of
loops you question about (just the relevant lines, not a the whole
programs). Please add the command line options you use to build it.
On Fri, Sep 6, 2013 at 11:49 AM, Rafael Waldo Delgado Doblas <
lord.rafa@...il.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> 2013/9/6 Yaniv Sapir <yaniv@...pteva.com>
>> There is now way to do that, since the instruction op-codes are either
>> 32-bit or 16-bit wide, and you have to leave a few bits for the code
>> itself...
> Thank you for your answer, now this looks really clear. Maybe you can tell
> me why there is no way to use the registers sequentially in a loop. I
> checked a couple of disassembled codes and all times that there is a
> sequential access to an array using a loop, the generated code has a lot of
> load and store instructions but the unrolled version only uses registers. I
> only feel curious about this.
> BTW I have run test and finally it's finds a share but unfortunately there
> something wrong because it was rejected, at least there wasn't a segfault.
> Rejected 00000000 Diff 0/63 EPI 0 (target-miss)
> Regards,
> Rafa.
Yaniv Sapir
Adapteva Inc.
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