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Message-ID: <CAAepdCbtLjk2Ufu2urBSBMmoFR=k3mOA=wPABpTm4RpL7VdW2Q@mail.gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 01:27:17 +0100
From: Rafael Waldo Delgado Doblas <lord.rafa@...il.com>
To: john-dev@...ts.openwall.com
Subject: Re: Parallella: Litecoin mining
Fourth daily report.
1. Created a new parallella branch on my cgminer repo.
2. At this moment I have code running in epiphany and code running in arm
but doesn't work yet I need to debug it. The bugged code it's commited in
my repo.
1. Debug the current code.
2. Get one instance of Scrypt runing on one Ephipany core.
3. Expand to the rest of cores.
2013/7/28 Solar Designer <solar@...nwall.com>
> How much slower is it? It'd help your further development if you figure
> out the cause of this slowdown (and likely avoid it).
Well for some reason only work slow in my desktop computer. I will check
why after I fix Parallella.
> Where is the code?
Now is committed in my cgminer github repo, branch Parallella, at this
moment is bugged I'm working on it right now.
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