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Message-ID: <CAFYn=yA+QBS=aezs4LLrJ2uqxmAL73YzfU4C5ex-GyN0vSovKg@mail.gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 21 Jul 2013 23:32:41 -0400
From: Yaniv Sapir <yaniv@...pteva.com>
To: john-dev@...ts.openwall.com
Subject: Re: Parallella: bcrypt
Hi Katja,
Yes, e-gcc supports extended inline assembly w/o a problem. Here's the
int var0, var1, var2;
__asm__ __volatile__ ("ldr %0, [%1, %2]" : "=r" (var0) : "r" (var1), "r"
__asm__ __volatile__ ("ldr %[outvar], [%[base], %[offset]]" : [outvar] "*=*r"
(var0) : [base] "r" (var1), [offset] "r" (var2));
__asm__ __volatile__ ("testset %[key], [%[base], %[offset]]" : [key] "*+*r"
(var0) : [base] "r" (var1), [offset] "r" (var2));
On Sun, Jul 21, 2013 at 9:08 PM, Katja Malvoni <kmalvoni@...il.com> wrote:
> Hi Yaniv,
> Does e-gcc support specifying input, output and modified registers as gcc
> inline assembly does? I couldn't make it work using the following syntax:
> __asm__(
> ...instructions...
> : output registers
> : input registers
> : clobbered registers
> );
> First error I get is for colon. Is there a way to reference C variable
> from inline assembly?
> If not, how can I safely implement part of C code in assembly? (more
> precisely BF_ROUND)
> I tried to do that using macro but the problem is that assembly code
> around macro changes and my implementation is not reliable because e-gcc
> generated code sometimes uses different registers when other C code is
> changed.
> How are function arguments passed? First one is stored in r0, second in
> r1, third in r2, forth in r3 (counting from left to right) and the rest of
> them are placed on stack?
> Thank you
> Katja
> On Sun, Jul 21, 2013 at 10:04 PM, Solar Designer <solar@...nwall.com>wrote:
>> On Sun, Jul 21, 2013 at 07:21:27PM +0200, Katja Malvoni wrote:
>> > In internal.ldf all code is in local memory, in fast.ldf user code and
>> > stack are placed in local memory while standard libraries are in
>> external
>> > SRAM.
>> I think you mean external DRAM.
>> OK, this explains it. I did not realize that memcpy() was not in local
>> memory.
>> > > So I don't buy it when you say that BF_ROUND and BF_encrypt are
>> already
>> > > optimal.
>> [...]
>> > I agree now, I was looking at whole thing from completely wrong
>> > perspective. I didn't see the fact that using IADD doesn't mean it will
>> be
>> > faster than ADD but it means IALU will be free for other instructions.
>> I took another look at sections "7.9 Pipeline Description" and "7.10
>> Dual-Issue Scheduling Rules" in epiphany_arch_reference_3.12.12.18.pdf,
>> and from those it appears that we'll need to interleave 2+ instances of
>> bcrypt if we're to use IADD and possibly IMADD efficiently, because FPU
>> instructions take 3 cycles more to complete than IALU ones do. (This is
>> extra latency only; it does not mean that these instructions are any
>> slower in terms of throughput - it's 1 instruction per cycle in terms
>> of throughput for IALU and FPU, so 2 per cycle total.)
>> When we don't use the FPU at all, we're only capable of issuing one
>> instruction per cycle. So using IADD and possibly IMADD is our only
>> hope at dual-issue.
>> Alexander
> --
> Katja
Yaniv Sapir
Adapteva Inc.
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