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Message-ID: <CAFYn=yAYcws+8VPY8D0g8TNsYCEENatFtW7iqx96UFauc1Eo+A@mail.gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 15:00:24 -0400
From: Yaniv Sapir <yaniv@...pteva.com>
To: john-dev@...ts.openwall.com
Subject: Re: Parallella: bcrypt
What system are you working on? Can I try to play with your code on your
machine (I have a login account, just let me know what machine it is and
where to find this code).
On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 9:13 AM, Katja Malvoni <kmalvoni@...il.com> wrote:
> Hi Yainv,
> I moved my mailbox buffer from shared memory to core local memory. In JtR,
> when executing self test, in second iteration (for first one I get correct
> result) I get the following error:
> john: ee_write_esys(): /dev/mem file open failure.
> If I set verbosity to H_D1 and L_D1 I get this:
> e_set_loader_verbosity(): setting loader verbosity to 1.
> e_reset_system(): resetting full ESYS...
> john: ee_write_esys(): /dev/mem file open failure.
> e_reset_system(): done.
> e_load_group(): loading SREC file parallella_e_bcrypt.srec ...
> ee_process_SREC(): loading core (0,0).
> ...
> ee_process_SREC(): loading core (3,3).
> e_load_group(): done loading.
> e_load_group(): closed connection.
> e_load_group(): leaving loader.
> e_start(): SYNC (0xf042c) to core (0,0)...
> e_start(): done.
> ...
> e_start(): SYNC (0xf042c) to core (3,3)...
> e_start(): done.
> If I use H_D2 and L_D2 I get
> ...
> e_init(): platform.(row,col) = (32,8)
> e_init(): platform.(rows,cols) = (4,4)
> e_reset_system(): resetting full ESYS...
> john: ee_write_esys(): /dev/mem file open failure.
> e_reset_system(): found chip version E16G301, programming clock divider.
> ee_get_id_from_coords(): dev.row=34, dev.col=11, row=0, col=0, CoreID=0x88b
> e_open(): group.(row,col),id = (34,11),0x88b
> e_open(): group.(rows,cols),numcores = (1,1), 1
> e_open(): opening core (0,0)
> ...
> It seems that e_reset_system() fails -
> https://github.com/adapteva/epiphany-libs/blob/master/src/e-hal/src/epiphany-hal.cline 840, should there be a check of return value?
> Katja
> On Tue, Jul 9, 2013 at 6:43 PM, Katja Malvoni <kmalvoni@...il.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, Jul 9, 2013 at 4:45 AM, Yaniv Sapir <yaniv@...pteva.com> wrote:
>>> I tried this and for me it doesn't work, I don't get correct results.
>>>> I took code I sent you (
>>>> http://www.openwall.com/lists/john-dev/2013/07/06/3) and did only
>>>> that, commented out "outbuf.start[corenum] = 0" and some cores return wrong
>>>> results. Even worse, cores that return wrong results are different for
>>>> every run and wrong results are also different. Output that I get is
>>>> attached. Could you please check that you changed only that?
>>> Sorry if it was not clear, but in addition to commenting out the
>>> "start[]" signal, I also added a dummy place-holder after the "done" member
>>> of the structure, to make sure both sides have the same member alignment.
>>> I did the same and I still get wrong results. I also changed BufSize to
>> 0x1000 but it didn't help. Again, some data is not transferred correctly:
>> eCore 0x808 (0, 0): 1bb69143, f9a8d304, c8d23d99, ab049a77, a68e2ccc,
>> 74420600
>> eCore 0x809 (0, 1): 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
>> eCore 0x80a (0, 2): 6f15130a, 8d681e90, 5cfec901, f4493e64, ebb352f8,
>> 35ce3600
>> eCore 0x80b (0, 3): 2bfd15b2, 71622fde, b982676d, 22550521, 45957d0e,
>> 1ae35200
>> eCore 0x848 (1, 0): 1bb69143, f9a8d304, c8d23d99, ab049a77, a68e2ccc,
>> 74420600
>> eCore 0x849 (1, 1): 1bb69143, f9a8d304, c8d23d99, ab049a77, a68e2ccc,
>> 74420600
>> eCore 0x84a (1, 2): 1bb69143, f9a8d304, c8d23d99, ab049a77, a68e2ccc,
>> 74420600
>> eCore 0x84b (1, 3): 1bb69143, f9a8d304, c8d23d99, ab049a77, a68e2ccc,
>> 74420600
>> eCore 0x888 (2, 0): 1bb69143, f9a8d304, c8d23d99, ab049a77, a68e2ccc,
>> 74420600
>> eCore 0x889 (2, 1): 1bb69143, f9a8d304, c8d23d99, ab049a77, a68e2ccc,
>> 74420600
>> eCore 0x88a (2, 2): 1bb69143, f9a8d304, c8d23d99, ab049a77, a68e2ccc,
>> 74420600
>> eCore 0x88b (2, 3): 1bb69143, f9a8d304, c8d23d99, ab049a77, a68e2ccc,
>> 74420600
>> eCore 0x8c8 (3, 0): 1bb69143, f9a8d304, c8d23d99, ab049a77, a68e2ccc,
>> 74420600
>> eCore 0x8c9 (3, 1): 1bb69143, f9a8d304, c8d23d99, ab049a77, a68e2ccc,
>> 74420600
>> eCore 0x8ca (3, 2): 1bb69143, f9a8d304, c8d23d99, ab049a77, a68e2ccc,
>> 74420600
>> eCore 0x8cb (3, 3): 1bb69143, f9a8d304, c8d23d99, ab049a77, a68e2ccc,
>> 74420600
>> Execution time - Epiphany: 19.926000 ms
>> done = 16
>> core_done[ 0] = 1 test[ 0] = 16 ciphertext[0] = P
>> core_done[ 1] = 1 test[ 1] = 16 ciphertext[1] = P
>> core_done[ 2] = 1 test[ 2] = 16 ciphertext[2] = P
>> core_done[ 3] = 1 test[ 3] = 16 ciphertext[3] = P
>> core_done[ 4] = 1 test[ 4] = 16 ciphertext[4] = P
>> core_done[ 5] = 1 test[ 5] = 16 ciphertext[5] = P
>> core_done[ 6] = 1 test[ 6] = 16 ciphertext[6] = P
>> core_done[ 7] = 1 test[ 7] = 16 ciphertext[7] = P
>> core_done[ 8] = 1 test[ 8] = 16 ciphertext[8] =
>> core_done[ 9] = 1 test[ 9] = 16 ciphertext[9] = P
>> core_done[10] = 1 test[10] = 16 ciphertext[10] = P
>> core_done[11] = 1 test[11] = 16 ciphertext[11] = P
>> core_done[12] = 1 test[12] = 16 ciphertext[12] = P
>> core_done[13] = 1 test[13] = 16 ciphertext[13] = P
>> core_done[14] = 1 test[14] = 16 ciphertext[14] =
>> core_done[15] = 1 test[15] = 16 ciphertext[15] =
>> ciphertext = P
>> If I pass e_false as parameter to e_load_group() and than start cores
>> with e_start(), than it works. I guess that when I pass e_true as argument
>> to e_load_group(), cores start bcrypt computation but not all data is
>> transferred and that is why some cores return incorrect results. Normally I
>> would use e_start() to start cores because it works but there are problems
>> with JtR integration.
>> When cracking passwords, after 60 to 65 passwords are cracked I get
>> following error: john: e_alloc(): mmap failure
>> I set verbosity for host and loader to H_D4 and L_D4 (this was overhead,
>> probably H_D1 and L_D1 would be enough) and this happens while allocating
>> memory for loading *.srec file. Can this be a consequence of calling
>> e_init(), e_reset_system(), e_open(), e_alloc(), e_load_group(), e_close(),
>> e_free() and e_finalize() every time Epiphany chip is used?
>> Katja
> --
> Katja
Yaniv Sapir
Adapteva Inc.
1666 Massachusetts Ave, Suite 14
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Phone: (781)-328-0513 (x104)
Email: yaniv@...pteva.com
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