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Message-ID: <CAAepdCZbFZ2Gr8TbLD3h812G8CqcVok-6yFKkeaL1u4ea+RHuA@mail.gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 02:29:15 +0100
From: Rafael Waldo Delgado Doblas <lord.rafa@...il.com>
To: john-dev@...ts.openwall.com
Subject: Re: cryptocurrency mining fallback in JtR (was:
Parallella: scrypt)
The current state is:
If there an instance of cgminer, it will be stoped and when JtR finish,
cgminner will be started again.
Donate option, there is a default pool with user/pass seted in the config
Start cgminer at the end of JtR option, independently if there was a
cgminer running instance or not, cgminer can be started at the end of JtR,
setting the proper option in the config file. (Disabled by default).
Tomorrow I will go with dtach stuff, bundle cgminer into JtR and stop GPUs
instead of stop cgminer.
Best regards,
2013/7/8 Rafael Waldo Delgado Doblas <lord.rafa@...il.com>
> Hello,
> After the discusion in the IRC, this will be my time line:
> Today:
> Move the needed code to my git repo.
> Launch cgminer in a detached screen, when JtR is about to finish.
> Use the cgminer API to show info then finish JtR. (this is only for
> testing purposes)
> At the end of this day I will have a JtR that launchs cgminer without take
> care if was already working or not.
> Tuesday:
> If there an instance of cgminer, stop the GPUs that JtR is going to use,
> when JtR finish continue with cgminer using those GPUs.
> Donate option.
> Start cgminer at the end of JtR option.
> At the end of this day I will have a JtR that launchs cgminer taking care
> if was already working or not.
> Wednesday:
> Check all is working.
> Finish possible delayed tasks.
> At the end of this day the implementation should be finished.
> 2013/7/8 Solar Designer <solar@...nwall.com>
>> Hi Rafael,
>> On Mon, Jul 08, 2013 at 12:41:06PM +0100, Rafael Waldo Delgado Doblas
>> wrote:
>> > From my last mail, I have implemented a prototype version of cgminer
>> > integration with JtR. This prototype gets the user, pass and address
>> from
>> > the JtR config file. I was checking the best way to integrate cgminer
>> with
>> > JtR and I think the best is use the API provided by cgminer, in order to
>> > avoid add a lot of dependencies to JtR. We can add an option to JtR
>> config
>> > file that sets the path that Cgminer is installed and run it if the
>> option
>> > --miner is set. Using the API we can show information and enable/disable
>> > GPUs.
>> You mention several different approaches in the same paragraph above,
>> which makes me confused as to what you have implemented and what you
>> recommend to implement. Can you get on IRC right now and we'll discuss?
>> Thanks,
>> Alexander
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