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Message-ID: <f5049c8be6d1effa81e677347be26d3c@smtp.hushmail.com> Date: Tue, 7 May 2013 15:26:20 +0200 From: magnum <john.magnum@...hmail.com> To: john-dev@...ts.openwall.com Subject: Re: Enhancements to pbkdf2-sha256 On 7 May, 2013, at 15:18 , jfoug@....net wrote: > I have split these 3. They still have single common source file. Also 'many' functions are all single (crypt_all, all the cmp, salt, etc). They have unique valids, unique self tests, unique format names (algo, etc), unique format structures. The names I used for the format_labels are: aix-ssha-1 aix-ssha-256 and aix-ssha-512. If these need changed, that is simple, just 3 line change. Excellent. IMHO you should ditch the last dash, for aix-ssha1 aix-ssha256 and aix-ssha512. > I will get this code in to magnum to patch into git shortly. I still want to track down some compile issues he sent me for the sha256/sha512 building under MAC and CommonCrypto. The CommonCrypto issue is already fixed now, in what I think is a canonical way. My first patch was bogus, now I use MMX_COEF instead and at the right place as well :^) magnum
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