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Message-ID: <20120805123514.9YFN0.943321.imail@eastrmwml208>
Date: Sun, 5 Aug 2012 12:35:14 -0400
From:  <>
Cc: magnum <>
Subject: Re: Use of clear_keys() for SIMD buffer clearing (was:
 Re: opencl_mscash2_fmt.c: clear_keys())

This is a self test problem.  I thought I submitted a patch for this, but it may have been rolled back.

> On 2012-07-12 17:28, jfoug wrote:
> > Actually, some of the 'fat' SSE formats should use clear_keys().  The logic
> > I was using to reset the keyspace on dynamic was mimicked from other
> > formats.  Within set_key, if index is 0, they memset buffers.  This logic
> > should be put into clear_keys().
> I just tried this in hmacMD5 and mssql-old and it does not work. I see
> clear_keys is not called before first batch of keys (maybe we should
> change that?) so I copied the hmac memsets to init() too but this did
> not fix it. It appears clear_keys() is not called when I expected it -
> perhaps a self-test only problem? Or is it not supposed to be called any
> time one set of keys are done with (and only then)?

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