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Message-ID: <CAG5=z90-z_GUZNmTHCBQScUEV7-_C0mKHqjjFx7AUVAGCrXj1w@mail.gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2012 17:25:02 +0530
From: Piyush Mittal <piyush.cse29@...il.com>
To: john-dev@...ts.openwall.com
Subject: Re: Oracle Bitslice conversion completed
> To me, it is not supposed to work, just like
> the previous revision was not.
yeah right I just cleaned up the thing that was looking some complex.
I don't understand what you're trying to
> achieve with the set_block() uses in DES_bs_crypt_Oracle(),
Nothing just converted into macro.
It appears that you still don't grasp the very concept of
> bitslicing well enough. Well, or maybe you're not yet trying to make
> this work, and instead only perform some kind of test with this? If so,
> what test is that?
Bit slice concept I got. Well, I was I testing the case of block
initialization as you told me in previous posts. But problem is not there.
Real problem lies here. Copy test vectors in this way :
$ cat pw
$ cat w
Run it. Now it will crack the passwords.
So problem lies in mismatch of index numbers of cipher text and key that is
not with any other case of bit slice format. If you have remedy to this
problem then you can tell me other wise I am working on it. It is not so
big problem but may take some time as now I have to scratch the cracker. c
file. Oracle format is so nice :-)
Are you working on this to help the project or/and to learn things in
> the process, or both, or do you have some other goal/motivation?
Well, I want to help the project but with out learning I can't do it. so
you can say both :-)
It'd probably be quicker for me to just go ahead and implement the thing
> myself,
Ya I know you can do much faster then me because you know every bit of
but I don't mind using this as an opportunity to let you learn
> (hence the way we're approaching it so far).
Thanks for this mercy on me :-)
Piyush Mittal
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