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Message-ID: <20120322175722.GA19531@debian> Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2012 21:57:22 +0400 From: Aleksey Cherepanov <aleksey.4erepanov@...il.com> To: john-dev@...ts.openwall.com Subject: Johnny the GUI: Development release to collect ideas before GSoC 2012 I am honored to introduce the first release of Johnny the GUI for John the Ripper. Though it is not for end users yet. It is intended to be reviewed to make decisions for Google Summer of Code 2012. (It is a bit lately but I hope it is not too late.) So the primary goal is to receive feedback. Really it is cleaned up version of what there is for that moment. There are no buttons that do nothing. All visible features are at least implemented and maybe work (and sometimes even right). There is a small section on the wiki about these release: http://openwall.info/wiki/john/johnny#Development-release You could download tarball from wiki: http://openwall.info/wiki/_media/john/johnny_gsoc2012review_bd8727db10100b981745b27356f7ce7c23dfc555.tar.gz?id=john%3Ajohnny&cache=cache Or you could clone its repo from github: git clone https://github.com/AlekseyCherepanov/johnny.git -b gsoc2012review To build and run go to 'johnny' directory and use: qmake && make && ./johnny Installation is not needed. Maybe you need to install qt development files. On some systems (for instance Debian) all needed components are available through qt-sdk package. More about build process is in readme file. Your ideas and suggestions are very welcome! Regards, Aleksey Cherepanov
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