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Message-ID: <005301cc6756$711435a0$533ca0e0$@net> Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2011 15:50:24 -0500 From: "jfoug" <jfoug@....net> To: <john-dev@...ts.openwall.com> Subject: RE: pkzip format update There was a problem with this patch, which Magnum found. I have released a 0003-pkzip-2.diff patch (version2). This version 2 patches over the top of the original 0003-pkzip-1 patch. If you have already installed the first, then simply patch in the 2nd. If you have not yet patched in either, then first do the 0003-pkzip-1.diff then the 0003-pkzip-2.diff. Stupid memory overwrite bug. I also loosened up some detection logic in the -ascii 'test mode'. I am going to build some test cases, to make sure that this new logic does not miss any 'valid' passwords. The prior ascii logic 'could', under certain circumstances. Jim. >From: JFoug [mailto:jfoug@....net] > >On the wiki, in patch page, is an update to the jumbo-6rc1 pkzip format. >There were problems getting this to run under OMP. I believe Magnum >found >the issues there. I also moved some code from the set_key, and put it >into >crypt_all, so that it could be done under OMP, multi-threaded. I >believe >that now pkzip is working faster under OMP than it was before. > >Also found some other performance enhancments within cryptall, that >should >optimize pkzip format for all builds.
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