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Message-ID: <4DDE2D74.70506@bredband.net>
Date: Thu, 26 May 2011 12:37:40 +0200
From: magnum <rawsmooth@...dband.net>
To: john-dev@...ts.openwall.com
Subject: Re: SSE bug still there in Jumbo-5-RC6++
Erik, Jim,
Please try the attached rawMD5unicode_fmt.c
It solves ALL problems for me on x86-64, x86-sse2 and x86-mmx and the
OpenLDAPS can be enabled again. Everything passes self tests and test
suite. It also speed things up as I dropped saved_plain completely and
rebuild it from the key buffer instead.
However, I must also revert the following hunk in Jim's latest SSE2
patch in order to get NSLDAP going:
--- john-1.7.7-jumbo-5-RC6/src/NSLDAP_fmt.c 2011-05-23
18:51:00.000000000 +0000
+++ john-1.7.7-jumbo-5/src/NSLDAP_fmt.c 2011-05-24 05:20:43.625000000 +0000
@@ -225,7 +225,8 @@ static int cmp_one(void * binary, int in
static void
crypt_all(int count) {
#ifdef MMX_COEF
- memcpy(buffer, saved_key, 32*MMX_COEF);
+ // 32 byte password (max), plus the 0x80. We need to copy 36*MMXCOEF
to make sure we get it all.
+ memcpy(buffer, saved_key, 36*MMX_COEF);
shammx((unsigned char *) crypt_key, buffer, total_len);
static SHA_CTX ctx;
Jim, was that really a correct patch? I get 1320 found on all platforms
without that and self test fail with it.
On 2011-05-26 05:45, JFoug wrote:
> I get a crash on OpenLDAPS. Same type. Only MMX/SSE builds (from
> cygwin/mingw). It also only crashes on -test not on -test
> -format=openssha The format_init has been commented out in john.c for a
> couple of releases, but this is the same type of bug, and really needs
> to be found.
> Jim.
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Erik Winkler" <ewinkler@...ls.com>
> To: <john-dev@...ts.openwall.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2011 10:00 AM
> Subject: Re: [john-dev] SSE bug still there in Jumbo-5-RC6++
> Jumbo-5-RC6++ works great on MacOS X for 64-bit build. No issues.
> On MacOS X using the sse2 build, I get the following error for NSLDAP
> benchmarking:
> Benchmarking: Netscape LDAP SHA SSE2 [SHA-1]... FAILED (get_hash[0](3))
> Now this only occurs when running ./john -test. If I run ./john -test
> -format:nsldap, it works correctly:
> ../run/john -test -format:nsldap
> Benchmarking: Netscape LDAP SHA SSE2 [SHA-1]... DONE
> Raw: 7837K c/s real, 7837K c/s virtual
> Not sure why.
> Erik
> On May 24, 2011, at 1:58 PM, magnum wrote:
>> Even after applying all incremental patches posted to the wiki, there
>> are some problems left in Jumbo-5-RC6:
>> 1. Raw-MD4 segfaults for me on linux-x86-sse2:
>> * Using linux-x86-mmx I saw no problem.
>> * It segfaults when running "--test"
>> * It does NOT segfault when running eg. "--test --fo:raw-MD4"
>> * Test suit does NOT segfault and all 1320 is found
>> This led me to believe the problem was in the format running right
>> before raw-MD4 on a --test run, namely salted-sha1. I did find a bug
>> in that format (fix included in patch just posted) but that was not
>> the cause of this.
>> 2. NSLDAP has a problem on linux-x86-sse2 and linux-x86-mmx:
>> Benchmarking: Netscape LDAP SHA MMX [SHA-1]... FAILED (get_hash[0](1))
>> I have no time to investigate further right now.
>> magnum
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