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Message-ID: <20080417013228.GA5031@openwall.com> Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2008 05:32:28 +0400 From: Solar Designer <solar@...nwall.com> To: announce@...ts.openwall.com Subject: [openwall-announce] community resources: oss-security, oCERT, xvendor Hi, As many of you should have noticed, I haven't been sending these announcements out for a while, although news items were being added on the http://www.openwall.com front page. My excuse is that I was waiting for some major news to announce, and I wanted to mention the minor news items at the same time. Well, now I have too many things to announce, so I'll group them by topic. This message is about new community resources and community activities. 1. We've setup a new web page on Openwall user communities, hosted community resources, and community involvement and activities: http://www.openwall.com/community/ This web page includes pointers to the resources described below. 2. We're hosting the Open Source software security (oss-security) wiki, as well as the oss-security mailing list. These are a product of cooperation amongst various Open Source software vendors, projects, and security researchers. The purpose of the oss-security group is to encourage public discussion of security flaws, concepts, and practices in the Open Source community. The wiki, which includes information on joining the mailing list: http://oss-security.openwall.org/wiki/ I'd like to thank (GalaxyMaster) for setting up and administering the wiki, and many others (20+ authors) for their work on the content. The list archive (292 messages so far, since mid-February) is also available on the web: http://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/ http://dir.gmane.org/gmane.comp.security.oss.general http://marc.info/?l=oss-security 3. We have joined the oCERT project (the Open Source Computer Emergency Response Team), in two ways: I serve on the advisory board of oCERT, and Openwall is a registered public member of oCERT such that we can be sure to receive notification of vulnerabilities pertaining to our software (and, far more likely, to third-party software that we redistribute as a part of Openwall GNU/*/Linux) that will be handled via oCERT. Other Open Source projects are welcome to register with oCERT, too. (We're also a member of oss-security and vendor-sec, and are registered with the CERT/CC.) The website for oCERT is: http://ocert.org 4. We've made the xvendor mailing list, which existed since 2002, public. The purpose of the xvendor group is collaboration and information exchange between OS distribution vendors (mostly Linux) on non-security topics. However, we have just learned that a similar list was started at freedesktop.org recently: http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/distributions This means that the status of xvendor is currently unclear: http://www.openwall.com/lists/xvendor/2008/04/16/2 Yet I've decided to keep xvendor around, and even to mention it in this announcement, while we figure out whether and how xvendor can co-exist with the "distributions" list. More information on xvendor (list charter and how to join) can be found here: http://www.openwall.com/community/xvendor The archive is available here: http://www.openwall.com/lists/xvendor/ http://dir.gmane.org/gmane.comp.misc.xvendor http://marc.info/?l=xvendor 5. I have participated in an IBM-organized Global Innovation Outlook (GIO) "deep dive" on Security and Society (a day long brainstorming session, with only short coffee breaks and a lunch break). This dive was held on April 10 (with a welcome dinner the day before) in a fine 5-star hotel in the heart of Moscow. Five more dives on the topic are to follow in other cities around the world, then IBM is to publish a report. Meanwhile, you can find detailed reports on past GIO topics on the IBM website section dedicated to the GIO initiative: http://www.ibm.com/gio/ as well as read and comment on the GIO blog: http://gio.typepad.com -- Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com> GPG key ID: 5B341F15 fp: B3FB 63F4 D7A3 BCCC 6F6E FC55 A2FC 027C 5B34 1F15 http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments
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