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Message-ID: <14c3bf23-eadb-475d-9fd7-d4f97e70c7a1@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 2 Mar 2025 01:17:52 +0700
From: Max Nikulin <manikulin@...il.com>
To: Henrik Ahlgren <pablo@...stieto.com>
Cc: oss-security@...ts.openwall.com
Subject: Re: Re: GNU Emacs 30.1 released with 2 CVE fixes

>>>> - Disable auto-completion features in untrusted .el files
>>>> - UPDATE: Also set enable-local-eval to nil
> Max Nikulin writes:
>> It should work, however it is rather drastic measure that may cause
>> inconvenience.

It is more tricky. At least in Emacs-28, enable-local-eval helps to 
mitigate the variant from the blog post

;; -*- eval: (flymake-mode 1) -*-

however the user option has no effect for the case reported in the Emacs 
bug#37656 ("deprecated" feature)

;; -*- mode: emacs-lisp; mode: flymake -*-

     emacs -Q --eval '(setq enable-local-eval nil)' poc.txt
     emacs -Q --eval '(setq enable-local-variables :safe)' poc.txt
prevents execution of code from the file.

     emacs -Q --eval '(setq enable-local-variables nil)' poc.txt
or a similar form in init.el disables file-specific major modes as well. 
So "mode: outline" is ignored in files like "NEWS". enable-local-eval 
affects "eval: (...)", but not "mode: ...". These settings are described in
and in doc strings

So setting enable-local-variables to nil is a better recommendation, but 
the price is inconvenience. An attack can not be prevented by setting 

On 01/03/2025 19:39, Henrik Ahlgren wrote:

> I wanted to point out an interesting aspect of Emacs file local
> variables. It may be surprising to some that including `-*-
> eval:(foobar-mode) -*-` at the beginning of a file will happily evaluate
> the specified function, regardless of whether it is an "actual" minor
> mode created with `define-minor-mode'. The only requirement is that the
> name ends with "-mode."
> This raises some questions about potential security implications.

Language encourage this kind of tricks. Function names at least have to 
have -mode suffix. In the case of CVE-2025-1244, "man:" URL scheme 
causing attempt to load url-man.el (does not exist) then call to the 
url-man function from url-misc.el, see url-scheme-get-property in 
lisp/url/url-methods.el. The url package is a mix of functions 
implementing some URL schemes (url-info, url-http, etc.), API functions, 
and helpers having url-* names. There are no settings in url similar to 
browse-url-handlers and eww-use-browse-url that define explicit mapping 
(e.g. to browse-url-man) and limit schemes available through browse-url.el.

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