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Message-ID: <>
Date: Wed, 5 Feb 2025 09:21:42 +0100 (CET)
From: Daniel Stenberg <>
To: curl security announcements -- curl users <>,, libcurl hacking <>,
Subject: [SECURITY ADVISORY] curl: CVE-2025-0725: gzip integer overflow

gzip integer overflow

Project curl Security Advisory, February 5th 2025 -


When libcurl is asked to perform automatic gzip decompression of
content-encoded HTTP responses with the `CURLOPT_ACCEPT_ENCODING` option,
**using zlib or older**, an attacker-controlled integer overflow would
make libcurl perform a buffer overflow.


This problem can only trigger when using a run-time zlib version or
older. zlib was relased on August 10, 2003. This means zlib versions
that do not trigger this problem have been available and used for more than
twenty-one years already. A zlib version or earlier still in use is
vulnerable to a wide range of security problems and a user using this is
already in a spectacularly bad position.

libcurl featured code that at run-time takes a different code path for zlib
versions before because of lack of functionality in those old
versions, and this rarely used piece of code contained the vulnerable code

This bug is considered a *C mistake*. It is likely to have been avoided had we
not been using C.

This flaw also affects the curl command line tool.

The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) project has assigned the name
CVE-2025-0725 to this issue.

CWE-680: Integer Overflow to Buffer Overflow

Severity: Low

While the impact of this problem is potentially huge, we struggled with
setting a severity combined with the knowledge that a user vulnerable to this
is using **an over twenty years old and vulnerable zlib** and has practially
"given up" all security. If there actually exist users vulnerable to this flaw
in the world, they most likely already have worse problems than this to deal


- Affected versions: curl 7.10.5 to and including 8.11.1
- Not affected versions: curl < 7.10.5 and >= 8.12.0
- Introduced-in:

libcurl is used by many applications, but not always advertised as such!


Starting in version 8.12.0, libcurl no longer supports zlib < Using
such a version will now instead cause a run-time error.

- Fixed-in:


We suggest you take one of the following actions immediately, in order of

  A - Upgrade curl and libcurl to version 8.12.0

  B - Apply the patch to your version and rebuild

  C - Use a modern zlib

  D - Avoid using the `CURLOPT_ACCEPT_ENCODING` option


This issue was reported to the curl project on January 23, 2025. We contacted
distros@...nwall on January 28, 2025.

curl 8.12.0 was released on February 5 2025 around 08:00 UTC, coordinated with
the publication of this advisory.


- Reported-by: z2_
- Patched-by: Daniel Stenberg

Thanks a lot!



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