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Message-ID: <CAKGDhHXd-iMahfDf+a235k8md6oH+g_5V4jwk_7Vi9QM9Zdfgw@mail.gmail.com> Date: Mon, 7 Sep 2015 00:10:05 +0200 From: Agnieszka Bielec <bielecagnieszka8@...il.com> To: john-dev@...ts.openwall.com Subject: Re: PHC: Argon2 on GPU 2015-09-06 0:44 GMT+02:00 Agnieszka Bielec <bielecagnieszka8@...il.com>: > argon2d > GeForce GTX TITAN - 11076 > GeForce GTX TITAN X - 9182 ulong8 [a@...er run]$ LWS=48 GWS=2304 ./john -test -format=argon2d-opencl -v=4 -dev=7 Benchmarking: argon2d-opencl [Blake2 OpenCL]... memory per hash : 1.50 MB Device 7: GeForce GTX TITAN Options used: -I ./kernels -cl-mad-enable -cl-nv-verbose -D__GPU__ -DDEVICE_INFO=65554 -DDEV_VER_MAJOR=352 -DDEV_VER_MINOR=21 -D_OPENCL_COMPILER -DBINARY_SIZE=256 -DSALT_SIZE=64 -DPLAINTEXT_LENGTH=125 Local worksize (LWS) 48, global worksize (GWS) 2304 using different password for benchmarking DONE Speed for cost 1 (t) of 1, cost 2 (m) of 1536, cost 3 (l) of 1 Many salts: 11715 c/s real, 11715 c/s virtual Only one salt: 11616 c/s real, 11715 c/s virtual [a@...er run]$ LWS=96 GWS=2112 ./john --test --format=argon2d-opencl -dev=6 Benchmarking: argon2d-opencl [Blake2 OpenCL]... memory per hash : 1.50 MB Device 6: GeForce GTX TITAN X using different password for benchmarking DONE Speed for cost 1 (t) of 1, cost 2 (m) of 1536, cost 3 (l) of 1 Many salts: 9600 c/s real, 9600 c/s virtual Only one salt: 9428 c/s real, 9428 c/s virtual ulong16: it's slower on TITAN and is the same speed on TITAN X
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