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Message-ID: <CANJ2NMP_DAwmzwsD+UV2qpHm=EFrreLGVwr=APe0Md+Q-hne+g@mail.gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2012 15:10:07 +0800
From: myrice <qqlddg@...il.com>
To: john-dev@...ts.openwall.com
Subject: Weekly report 1
Last week, my accomplishments are:
1. For correctness, implemented cmp_exact for xsha512-cuda
2. Reversed last 3 rounds of sha512 in xsha512
3. Implemented unoptimized xsha512-opencl
4. Tried async cpy on GPU but no performance gains, still keep tuning.
In the next week, my priorities are:
1. Optimize sha512 stuff in xsha512
For one round sha512, ctx can be replaced by a string. Merge init,
update, final in one function
2. Merge cmp_all() with crypt_all()
For crypt_all(), we just return. In cmp_all(), we invoke GPU and return
a value indicate if there is a matched hash.
3. Keep optimizing xsha512-opencl
4. Discussing password generation, maybe not implement this in next week.
Dongdong Li
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